Chapter 1

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I sat on my bed listening to music. I wish that I could escape. Tears fell from my cheek as I realized I was alone. Afraid, beaten, and raped. I jumped up from my bed and ran into the bathroom. I instantly ripped off my clothes and ran some hot water. I waited for a few seconds before getting in.

The water felt amazing against my skin. I shampooed my hair then rinsed it out. I heard my phone go off so I quickly hopped out. It was my best friend Chad. He asked me if I wanted to go to the club tonight which I instantly agreed to. I had to get away from this hell.

I jumped back into the shower and finished. I washed my body again before getting out. I wanted the germs off of me from last night. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me. I went up to the mirror and looked at my reflection. My brown hair passed my shoulders and bloodshot chocolate brown eyes starred back at me. "Fuckin' Ugly!" I screamed before punching my fist into the mirror. When I looked at my fist it had cuts and scratches. It didn't bother me none. I just washed it off and went into my room.

My name is Dave Grohl. I'm 21 years old. I have been living in hell for about 2 years. My "friends " Pat and Jason let me move in here. All Pat has done is torture me and rape me then leave me in a room with nothing in it, but a mattress on the floor. I had a notebook I always wrote in after Pat rapes me. I write songs, poems, and suicide letters. I'm so tempted to end my life. Pat won't let me move out. I have nowhere else to go. He atleast gives me freedom, but if I'm not home before midnight then I get "Punished". But Jason doesn't know about it. Me and Jason went out when I moved in here, but Pat forced me to tell Jason that I loved Pat and not him. Atleast we're still great friends.

I grabbed a plain white long sleeve shirt from my basket in the floor, a pair of socks, underwear, and some dark grey sweats. I grabbed my old worn out converse shoes from the side of the mattress and slid them on. I grabbed my wallet from under the mattress and walked out. I quietly snuck past Pat's room before getting to the kitchen. I grabbed a pop tart from the cabinet and a cup from the pantry. I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and poured me some. I sat at the table slowly sipping my orange juice and then Pat came in. He was just wearing his boxers. He gave me a smirk before grabbing the eggs from the fridge and a pan. "You want some?" He asked walking over to me and sitting in the chair beside me. I shook my head and slowly nibbled on my pop tart. He put his hand on my thigh and started to rub it up to my penis. "I can't wait for you tonight." He said licking his lips. He got up and kissed my lips before walking to the stove. I quickly drunk all my orange juice and stuffed my pop tart in the wrapper and threw it away. The I walked out the door in a hurry.

I began walking to Chad's house. He only live a couple of minutes away. I got to his house and seen he was sitting on the porch smoking a blunt. "Hey man." He said passing me the blunt. I accepted and took a puff. "Yo who gave you that hickey on your neck!?" I bit my lip and shrugged. I didn't want him to know that it was Pat who did it.

We walked into his house and I seen two people that I've never seen before. There was a really tall guy that had short hair and was kinda chubby..... Then a really cute guy who was had blonde hair, really skinny, and had beautiful blue eyes. "Dave this is Krist Novoselic and Kurt Cobain. Guys this is Dave Grohl." I blushed as the boy Kurt looked me up and down them smiled. He had a guitar in his hands with a notebook and pen on his lap. Chad sat by Krist so I took the seat next to Kurt.

"So Dave do you play anything?" Kurt asked looking me in the eyes. I quickly looked away blushing. "Uh yeah. I play the drums." I said biting my lip. Chad and Krist went upstairs and Kurt and me where downstairs. Me and Kurt spent hours talking about what we like. We found out we had a lot in common. And I found out he's 19.

"Well they've been up there forever. Wanna go up there and see what they doin'?" Kurt asked taking a drag from his cigarette. "S-Sure." I said feeling my heart race as Kurt grabbed my hand and quietly rushed upstairs. When we got to Chad's bedroom door Kurt put his ear against it. "What do you hear?" But before Kurt could answer I heard a loud moan and "Oh Krist!" I gasped and Kurt rushed in the room. When we got in we seen Krist ontop of Chad. The clothes they were wearing scattered the floor. Krist and Chad were both blushing and froze. "Umm........" I mumbled. Chad said he wasn't gay, but he's fuckin' Krist. "Can you guys like get out real quick?" Chad said. I hear the shakiness in his voice which made me laugh.

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