Chapter Two

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Kurt's POV

At first me seeing Chad and Krist having sex I was a bit angry, but afterwards I was relieved. I thought Chad was Dave's boyfriend.

Dave's kinda hot! I mean I know that it's wrong for me to think that after meeting the guy just today, but he's so irresistible. And I don't even know if he's straight.

"Guys Ima go. I have to finish the song!" I screamed upstairs to Krist and Chad. "You're leaving?" Dave said frowning. "Not if KRIST DONT BRINGS HIS FAT ASS DOWNSTAIRS. COME ON YOU FAT FUCK!!" I yelled practically rushing Krist.

"A-Are you going to the bar tonight with Chad?"

"Depends. Are you goin' Dave?" I said winking at him.

He blushed and nodded. "Yeah I am."

"Then I'll see ya there, but just know I get pretty fucked up when I get drunk."

Okay I was flirting with the guy. Big deal....

Krist finally came down and so did Chad. "Woah man!" I said sounding as surprised as I could. "What?" Chad said looking around. "You gotta serious case of sex hair! I know you ain't never on top!" I smirked. "Hahahah fuck you mother fucker!" Chad said flicking me off.

"So what y'all wanna do?" Krist said grabbing a beer from the counter. I looked outside and realized it was dark. "How about we go to the club!" I cheered. Everyone agreed and we started to head out. We drove in Chad's Van so me and Dave decided to sit in the very back close to the speaker. I'm just glad Chad took the fucking seats out and it had enough space or I woulda made Krist and Chad sit back here while I drove. "Why couldn't we drive in your Tahoe!?" I grunted "We look like the fuckin Mystery Inc. for Christ fucking sakes." I agrued. "Shut the hell up Kurt. We're just going to a club not to a car show!" Krist said being a smart ass.

Finally we made it. I was ready to party. I waited for the guys to open the back so I could get out. Then waited for the guys before I walked in. It was amazing! To be honest I've never really went to a club. I've been to bars and parties, but never a club. I was excited. I seen people dancing with sweaty bodies and lights streaming everywhere. Hell there was even glitter on the floors along with balloons and cups.

"Hey cutie!" A blonde girl approached me. She grabbed my pants and started to undo them. I pushed her away and kept walking. This place was pretty cool. There was men kissing each other and women kissing each other too. And nobody's judging them. Atleast there's no homophobes.

I sat at the bar and ordered us some vodka. As the man approached with the shots I decided to make a toast. "To having an awesome time. Let's get drunk, do something regrettable, and even get fucked by some strangers!" I cheered as we all drunk the shot. We ordered more, but Dave stopped after three. I laughed at him. I switched the vodka to tequila. I ordered like 10 and kept going. Till I couldn't see straight. I noticed Dave sitting by himself playing on his phone. I stumbled over to him. "Heyy Davey!! I slurred. "Hey Kurt... You're wasted?" He chuckled. I nodded my head and sat by him. "Why aren't you drunk?" I said sipping from my cup of tequila I made when the bartender wasn't looking. "I don't know. Y'all gonna need a designated driver." He laughed. "Well you wanna know why I got drunk?" I said rubbing his thigh. He blushed and smiled. "Why?"

"For this..." I leaned into his face and pressed my lips against his. Finally I made my move!

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