Chapter 7

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"Oh Dave." The voice spoke again. I stood up slowly and stared up at Pat. His shirt painted in blood. A knife in his left hand and a beer in the other. "What did you do to Jason?" I cried running to him and sitting by him. I put my ear to his chest afraid he was gone, but I heard soft shallow thuds that were too quiet.

"You're alive!" I gasped lifting his shirt exposing a long gash in his ribs. "D-Dave?" He said heavily. Blood ran more and more and my hands suddenly covered in it. "Yes Jason." I said pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Oh save the tears for a sob story." Pat mumbled grabbing my arms. "This is what boys get when they've been very bad." He said and then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed as I fell to the floor.

Pat smirked as he took the knife in his grip. I dizzily stared at him as he turned the knife sideways. "STOP!" I cried. "Stop!" Pat mocked me. He took something out of his pants and held it to me. I realized it was a gun.

"Any last words, Grohl?" He smirked. I laid my head back waiting for the bullet as it arrived. I screamed seeing it was on my rib cage. I wanted to closed my eyes until I seen Jason jump on Pat. I closed my eyes as if I was tired till I heard a gunshot. Then another.

I opened my eyes and seen Pat on the floor, blood puddling underneath him. "Dave." Jason crawled to me, gun in hand. "I jerked up. "You're shot!" I yelled seeing a blood stain getting bigger in his white shirt.

I gently laid my fingers on the gunshot wound. It was bleeding rapidly. "It's close to your heart." I spoke shookingly.

He nodded. "Were you?" He asked. "Yeah, but don't worry about me." I said rubbing his arm. "I don't think I'm going to make it." He said as he pulled me up and kissed me. I kissed back crying.

I love him and now I was going to lose him. "I love you soo much." I cried resting a hand on his cheek. "And I love you too ba-" he stopped and his eyes closed.

"No! Jason!!" I screamed as I shook him. Nothing. I tried to stand up, but seen the knife still punctured in my stomach. I tried to pull it out, but it was so tender. I just left it as I crawled to the phone. I dialed Chad's number.

"Dave? Where are you?"

"I'm at my house come quick. Pat stabbed and shot m-me and Jason's d-d-d-" I didn't dare say the word.

"What!? We'll be over soon........Yeah Kurt Dave's been shot." I knew the last part wasn't to me.

"C-Call.... C-Call the....." The phone slipped from my hands as I fell on my back. My vision went red and blurred until nothing was visible.

I closed my eyes and slipped into the cold and dark blackness.

Kurt's POV

I bit my nails worried. Why hasn't Dave been back yet?
Chad and Krist and our new friend Courtney was sitting in the living room having a blunt rolling contest. "Almost there." Chad said sticking his tongue out. Then the phone rung. I instantly shot up, but was too slow. There stood Chad on the phone.

He was silent for a bit as his face turnes worried "Dave? Where are you?" He asked. My heart raced. "What's he saying? Where is he?" I asked tugging on his sleeve. He was silent again as I looked at Courtney and Krist who had mirrored Chad's facial expression.

"What!? We'll be over soon." He yelled. "Is something wrong?" I felt like crying. "Yeah Kurt Dave's been shot." He said and my heart shattered.

"Dave? Dave!!" Chad screamed. I took the phone from him. "Dave it's Kurt. Hello?!" I cried. No answer I took the phone and slammed it repeatedly on my wall. Chad wrapped his arms around and stopped me. "Is he dead?" I cried.

But before Chad could aswer I ran out the door and to my car. I cranked it up and drove off. I took my phone out and quickly dialed his number.

"Voicemail." I moaned. I called again. "Fucking voicemail." I screamed. I finally gave up and called the police.

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?" A polite woman asked.

"Yeah m-my boyfriend Dave has been shot and I think he's dead." I cried through the phone.

"Sir What's your name?" She asked. "Kurt. Kurt Cobain." "Okay Kurt are you with Dave?" She asked as I passed a red light. "N-No." "Okay can you give me the address of the location your boyfriend is at?" She asked. I quickly gave her the address. "2838 West Virginia Drive."

"We'll send them down immediately." She assured. "Thanks." I muttered as I closed my phone. Minutes later I was at Dave's. I ran in seeing 2 bodies on the floor and blood everywhere. "D-Dave?" I whispered.

Then I realized a third body in the dark corner. I ran over and seen it was Dave. "Dave!" I cried shaking him. I pulled the curtain down as some of the moonlight crept inside. My shirt I let him borrow covered in blood. His face covered in blood. I tried CPR, but nothing. I laid by him and cuddled the lifeless body in my shaking arms

Minutes later police arrived. They came to Dave and pulled me away from him. "No stop!" I cried. "Sir he needs medical attention." The bald guy said holding me. "Are you Kurt?" He asked. "Yes sir." I mumbled under my breath. "Follow me."

He pulled me by my jacket and lead me to Chad, Courtney, and Krist. They gasped and drew me into a group hug. "He looked dead!" I cried.

I sat on the porch with a blanket a paramedic gave me. Blue, red and white lights shined around the neighborhood. "Kurt?" Courtney said. "Yes?" I asked. "They're taking him to the hospital like now. You want to come?" She asked. I stood up and nodded. I sped to the ambulance and jumped in. Courtney followed, but the medic stopped her. "Only family members." He said. Courtney turned to walk away until I said: "She's Dave's sister." The medic shrugged and allowed her in.

We sat in silence to the hospital. I stared at Dave as they put an oxygen mask on his face and injected him with stuff I didn't know what it was.

I held my head down and cried the whole way to our destination.

Courtney's POV

My heart felt like it disappeared. I actually knew Dave. He was Dave Grohl. My first boyfriend in high school. I thought they were talking about a different Dave, but it was him.

As we arrived to the hospital I stared at Kurt and how he was attached to the side of Dave's gurney. I felt a bit embarrased because I was jealous of it. I think I still have feelings for Dave.

"Miss Grohl?" A nurses asked. "Hmm?" I said feeling my cheeks go red when I heard that. "Do you know the blood type of your brother?" He asked.

Of course I did. I knew everything about him. "O negative." I simply stated. "We need a family signature for approval on surgery." He said handing me the clipboard. I nodded and signed his sister Lisa's signature.

Kurt came back to me and sat down. "Thanks for that." He said. "For what?" I asked grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together. "Signing that. Because I can't imagine how it feels with a bullet in your ribs." He smirked, but his eyes showed heartbreak. "How did you know his blood type?" He asked wiping his blue bloodshot eyes. My heart raced quickly causing my necklace to rattle upon my chest. "He was.......a close friend in school." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Wake me up if you leave." I yawned and closed my eyes. I felt Kurt cover me up with something and I cuddled more in his arm as I fell asleep.

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