Chapter 10

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Krist's POV

After I fixed up Kurt's cuts I cleaned up all the stuff. Dave fell asleep on the couch and Chad was at work. It's his birthday today so I wanted to make him something.

I went downstairs and poured a glass of water and made a sandwich. I took the food up to Kurt's room. He would need to eat so he wouldn't feel weak.

As I laid the food down on Kurt's side table, I seen a folded note in his flannel pocket. I took it out and opened it.

Whoever is fucking reading this (I don't know why you're rummaging through my shit) just know that parents are right. You can never fall in love young. I thought I found the one, but I was wrong. Fuck you, fuck Dave, fuck Courtney, and fuck this society. Never trust humans. So long world. I won't fucking miss you.

My throat burned as I read the words out loud. Even though I knew Kurt was heartbroken I didn't think he'd kill his self. I know Kurt cut his wrists and drunk sometimes, but I couldn't believe he'd actually
even consider it.

I got up to go in Chad's room and seen Kurt's guitar. The first guitar he ever gotten. It had a hole in it. I guess that's what he shot at. It made me curious.

Why would he shoot his favorite guitar?

I went in Chad's room and sat on the edge of the bed. My throat still burned and I had a horrific pain in my chest.

I felt sad about Kurt. I mean he's my brother, my best friend, my... my love....

Love? Did I call him love? I couldn't believe it. I love Chad, but I have always had a special connection with Kurt. Even as children. "Maybe I'm just shooken up about things." I said to myself. I'm just going to go out and get stuff for Chad's birthday.

I grabbed a piece of paper from Chad's book and a pencil. I wrote Dave and Kurt a note so they would know where I am going.

I put it on the fridge and grabbed my keys. Got in my car and drove.

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Been doing a lot and going places w/out internet. I promise more chapters and shit!! 😁✌🏼️

Few hours later

Dave's POV

When I woke up my thoughts went straight to Kurt. I jumped up and seen him sitting on a bar stool. He was eating cookies. His wrists had been bandaged up, but he had bloody clothes.

In an instant I was running to him. "Kurt!" I cried before jumping in his arms. "Where's your girlfriend?" He asked munching on a cookie. "She's not my girlfriend Kurt. You're my boyfriend." I said faking a smile.

He shrugged me off and looked down, his blonde hair falling over his eyes. "I'm sorry Kurt." He looked up and laughed. There was no humor in it. "Yeah and I'm sorry I walked in on you and Courtney making your fucking family." He growled standing up. He started to head for the stairs, but I pinned his arms up against the wall.

Kurt looked at me with a sad expression, but his eyes were a different one. "Look I'm so sorry. I didn't even know why I was in the hospital. Courtney said something about Pat. Then she said that you....." I trailed off as Kurt freed one of his hands and wiped tears I didn't know I had. "She told me tha-"

Kurt interrupted with a kiss. His arms around my neck and my hands on his hips. I felt one of his fingers making circles on my neck which sent a tingle down to my toes. "I need you so fucking bad." He moaned between our lips.

I picked him up not breaking the kiss as he wrapped his legs around my waist. I walked up the stairs to the closest room and delicately laid him on the bed. I grabbed his shirt, ripping it off and staring at him.

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