Chapter 8

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Kurt's POV

It's been two days since Dave got attacked. He hasn't woken up yet. The surgery went good. Bullet when straight through him. Sadly his best friend Jason didn't make it and I was afraid to tell him once he woke up. And that bastard Pat lived and as soon as he gets well he's going to jail. The police said he'd be in there for a very long time.

Courtney's been coming often and she's giving me these weird feelings. Like one time I went to go get coffee from the cafeteria and I came back seeing Courtney kissing Dave's lips. She didn't see me, but I saw her. I didn't mention it, but it still bothered me.

Right now I'm in his hospital room. I have my guitar and my notebook. I decided to write a song for Dave. I knew he's going to love it.

"Hey." Courtney said closing the door. She had two cups of coffee in her hands and a bag. She handed me one which I gratefully accepted. I haven't slept since I seen Dave in that floor with blood everywhere.

I slowly sipped my coffee as Courtney offered a bagel. "No thanks I'm fine." I said sipping my coffee. "Kurt come on you have to eat something. You can't go on a diet of cigarettes, Mountain Dew, and coffee until Dave wakes up." She said then sighed. "I'm not in the mood to eat anything." I said sipping my coffee.

She rolled her eyes and threw the bagel in the bag. "Oh Krist needs you at his house ASAP. Something about a birthday? I don't really know." She said taking a sup of her coffee.

"Yeah alright can you call me if he wakes up or the doctor says anything?" I asked not 100% trusting her.

She nodded and I walked out. I went to the elevator and pressed floor one. Taking in a huge breath and slowly breathing out as the doors opened. I wanted to be by Dave's side, but Krist needed me.

I went outside and hopped in Chad's car he let me borrow and cranked it up. I drove to Krist's sadly.

Courtney's POV

I laughed as I watched Kurt walk out the door. He was cute, but not enough. I wanted Dave back and I can't if Kurt's is in the way. I just decided to read a book and wait for Dave to wake up.

When I was on my way to Dave's room the nurse said he's supposed to wake up today and the idea popped in my mind.

Dave twitched a little and I walked to him. I poked Dave on his forearm and kissed him. "Kurt." He smiled. Irritated I scratched him. "Who's Kurt?" I asked as he opened his eyes. "Courtney? What are you doing here?" He said trying to sit up, but I pushed him down. "For you baby." I said crawling on the bed. I straddled him and tugged on his hospital gown. "Where's Kurt?" He asked. "Dave he used you. He and Krist was seeing each other." Dave tried pushing me off, but I gripped his arms.

"What the fuck?" He said. "Shh Dave. You should forget him. He used you." I kissed his lips and he didn't kiss back.

"What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital? And Kurt used me?" He asked. "Yes he doesn't love you. And Pat hurt you. You don't remember?" He shook his head. "He must've hit you pretty hard in your head."

"I guess so. Are we together?" He asked. I nodded. "You asked me out when you came in the hospital."

He looked sad, but I lifted his head and kissed his lips. "Come on babe." I mumbled and he kissed back. He gripped my butt and I giggled.

I liked where this was going until someone came in. "D-Dave?" Me and Dave both looked and seen Kurt with roses in his hand and his guitar hanging on his back. "Kurt?" Dave said sitting up.

I looked down as Kurt ran off throwing the flowers on the floor. "Kurt wait!" Dave screamed. I instantly felt guilty. This is the same way me and Dave broke up last time.

Holy shit what am I going to do about this now?

Kurt's POV

I ran down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Tears flooded my eyes. My heart was gone and I felt hollow. I ran outside and hopped in Krist's car. "What's up?" Krist asked. "Fucking drive!" I growled through my tears.

As we got to Chad's house I felt anger boil in me and rage burnt my body. I bursted in and went to my room that I've been living in for a few days. I slammed the doot behind me and grabbed my shoe box from under my bed. I picked up my notebook and a pen from my table and wrote a note.

Whoever is fucking reading this (I don't know why you're rummaging through my shit) just know that parents are right. You can never fall in love young. I thought I found the one, but I was wrong. Fuck you, fuck Dave, fuck Courtney, and fuck this society. Never trust humans. So long world. I won't fucking miss you.

I tore the page out of my binder and grasped it in my hand.

I opened my shoe box and found my gun that Krist had given me. I kissed the gun and grabbed a bullet from the box. I inserted the bullet and pressed in against my temple.

I grasped the gun and felt my hand shaken with it.

I opened my eyes and seen a polaroid picture I took with The camera that Chad gave me for my 19th birthday. It was hanging above my headboard with the multiple other pics I took.

Dave and me were kissing. I closed my eyes and spotted something. Something I wish I never had. I pointing the gun and then.


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