Chapter 11

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When I opened my eyes I heard people screaming. I covered my face with a pillow.


I carefully slid out from Dave's arms and slipped into my boxers. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. As I did I realized that there was a trail of hickeys all down my body. I laughed to myself. I grabbed Dave's flannel and put it on.

I felt not fully awake so I went downstairs and poured some coffee. I turned spotting Chad and Krist. "Morning Kurt." Chad said.

I didn't say nothing. I just walked upstairs to my room. I looked at the bed and seen Dave stretching. "Davey!" I said setting my coffee down and running to him. I straddled and kissed him.

"What's my surprise?" I asked. Dave shook his head and pretended to zip his lips. I can't tell you or it won't be a surprise." He said. Urg why is he so mean?

"Well look what you've done to me." I smirked ripping the flannel open and revealing the hickeys that trailed from my neck to my belly button. Dave laughed and I could see a blush. He's so cute when he blushes!

Dave sat up and started to kiss my neck. His hands were on my ass. I moaned softly as he bit my neck then licked the sensitive spot. "Nope!" I said pushing him off. "You need to get ready. I want my surprise." I giggled.

I jumped off and went to my closet finding my Leadbelly shirt with long sleeves and some dark jeans. I grabbed my Vans and ran into the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and began washing my hair. Words popped into my head and I began singing them.

"I'm very ape and very nice." I sung. After I washed my body and dried off I put my clothes on. I dried my hair and went back in my room. Dave was laying in his bed on the phone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked as I sat in his lap. "Jason, but he won't answer. I just want him to know that I'm alright. But maybe I can visit him later." He smiled and my stomach burned.

He stood infront of me and stared down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "Your so little." He laughed. "Well small has it advantages." I whispered and laid my head on his chest.


"What's wrong with them?" Dave bit his lip and released me. He walking to the door.

"I don't know. They've been at it since I woke up." I sat down suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my behind. "Ow!" I cried out putting my hand straight to my back. "What's wrong with me?" I asked as Dave cuddled me.

He looked down and bit his lip. He was blushing and if I wasn't in pain I'd be so turned on. "You're um, ya know, sore." He spoke embarrassingly. "Oh, I wish I woulda known." I scoffed.

"Let's go." Dave said grabbing a shirt and throwing on some pants.

We went downstairs and Chad and Krist were still arguing, but I ignored them. I was so anxious to see my surprise. Dave carried me bridal style to the car. He let me down and I hopped in.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Dave bit his lip as he buckled up. "It's a surprise babe, but it'll be a couple of hours till we get there."

I nodded and closed my eyes remembering what Chad had yelled. Krist likes me... How could he? He's my brother.

I ignored it and rubbed Dave's thigh. "I love you." I said before kissing his lips. "I love you too."


Later on we arrived to a deserted playground. "Swings!" I yelled before running to them. I could hear Dave giggle as I jumped on one. "Push me Davey!" I yelled. He did and I giggled kicking my feet back and forth. "Higher. Higher."

"Come on Kurt, I have something for you." He said dragging me off the swing. "But I wanna swing." I whined like a little kid. Dave embraced me with a hug and kissed me. "You'll like this better than the swings." He assured.

He pulled me passed the playground and through the woods. It was almost dark. The sky was orangish which caused a beautiful scenario over the trees as we walked through them.

"Are we there yet!?" I complained. "Almost." He laughed. "My feet hurt. Carry me!" I yelled. He got down and I jumped on his back. I kissed his neck and cheek randomly as we walked.

Finally we made it to the end. Dave put me down as I stared in awe. We were at the end of the woods and a beach that looked undiscovered was here.

"How did you find this place?" I asked staring at the sun setting over the ocean. "When my dad and mom got into a fight I ran away and found this place. I don't think anyone knows about it. It's my special place." He smiled. My heart fluttered. "Why did you share it with me?" I asked. He looked up smiling my favorite smile and spoke. "Because I love you. And I wanted this moment to be very special."

He bent down on one knee and pulled a black box out of his pocket.

"We've been together for a couple of weeks and I know this is all sudden, but I know you're the one for me. You saved me Kurt and I adore you for it.

Stood by my side even when I was a dick. I thought I lost you yesterday and I was planning to join you, but we're together and that's all that matters. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you to be mine and I'll be yours forever. Will you marry me?" He asked.

I gasped covering my mouth. "Dave..." I said through tears. "Yes!" I cried as he slid the ring on my finger. It was silver with 'I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks' imprinted on it.

The inside of the ring said 'Kurt And Dave Grohl'.

Dave stood up and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled feeling my heart race out of my chest. I pulled away from the kiss and stared at the sun. "Can we go swimming, Mr. Grohl?" I asked.

Dave tapped his fingers on his chin and nodded. "Anything for you future Mr. Grohl." He smiled and I blushed.

Dave pulled away and walked to the water. He started unbuttoning his shirt and let it fall. He took his pants and boxers off before getting in the water. I slipped my shoes off and socks feeling the warm sand on my toes.

I walked to the water and seen Dave facing me. His tattoos shined in the fading sunlight. His beautiful tan body reflecting off the water. "Come join me." He smiled.

My heart raced so fast as I slipped my clothes off and slowly walked in the water. I felt so nervous and self-conscious about my body, like Dave was an unknown stranger.

Maybe I was wrong. I felt as if I found my one true love. Standing in the water smiling. I sure hope this is right.

I joined him and held his hand. "Kurt you've never looked more beautiful. Dave smiled. I blushed covering my pale body with my arms. "Don't be ashamed." He pulled my arms away and put them on his neck and he put his on my waist.

The sky was dark and full of stars. I shivered at the water, but Dave's presence was warm enough. "I owe you my life Kurt." He said pushing my body into his. My head laying on his chest. "You don't owe me." I blushed.

"Kurt Donald Cobain, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You' hero."

I smiled to myself as he hugged me. "Yeah, I'm your hero." I laughed kissing his neck.

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