Chapter 9 Oh God.

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Your POV
You hug freddy tight. You love him so much you don't want to let him go. "It's ok... I won't let anyone hurt you"
He whispers into your ear. You blush deeply,
You love him so much.
You look and see bonnie and [name1] sleeping together.
Then you notice cc looking at them , staring , not making a sound.
"I love you freddy" you say as you look at him. He gives you a warm smile and hugs you tighter. "I love you too [name2]"
You hear a heart beat. Your surprised.
You never thought his heart would beat.
I wake up and see bonnie sleeping still. I smile and kiss his forehead. He's still asleep.
Awww freddy and [name2] are cuddling!!
I notice that I'm being stared at, I turn to the corner and see Cc staring at me.
"Uh....hey?" I say awkwardly.
"...." She doesn't respond and then looks down.
"Ok then..." I whisper to myself
I look at her again and notice that she's staring at bonnie...
She's... Staring at
The realization hits me hard in the heart.
I feel my heart sink.
...I will protect bonnie..
No matter what...
Dam it! I was staring again!!
I look back and see [name1] look upset.
What happened?
It's not like she knows right?
I look down at my shoes.
I will somehow get bonnie...
I will...

Bonnie x Reader x FreddyWhere stories live. Discover now