-chapter six

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"If Tomorrow Never Comes" Season one episode six

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"If Tomorrow Never Comes"
Season one episode six

it was time for Ayden to take down her braids, how much she hated it, but luckily she was sick so she could have a day or two off of work and that's enough time for her to take down her braids, and wash them.

It was around six o'clock in the morning, Ayden looked a bit of a mess. her shirt was inside out, her pajamas pants were too low. she looked like she had just survived a tornado. she opened up her door to notice her two friends expect for Meredith getting ready for work.

"where's Meredith?" the girl curiously ask.

"she's still in her room." the blonde shouted from her bedroom.

"she's going to be late!" George said.

"maybe not." the two girls shrugged together.

George grabbed his blue-black backpack and walked towards izzies  room, Ayden was standing on the other side of the doorway.

"we should wait for her." George pleaded.

"definitely not." the blonde put on her shoes. "I'm not her mother, and you are not her boyfriend, not yet anyway." she smirked.

"stop, okay?—i told you I'm not interested." he protested.

Ayden side eyed the lying boy. "i think she has a thing for someone else anyways." she shrugged before walking towards the bathroom.

"wait— who are you talking about?" George poked his head around the corner.

"my lips are sealed." she winked at him before walking into the bathroom.

It really wasn't her place to say anything about Meredith and Derek. what was she supposed to say. oh yeah! George, you need to get over your crush with Meredith, because she's screwing her boss, Derek Shepherd, who is coincidentally, my brother— adoptive brother.

everyone knew George would have one of his adult tantrums and get angry that she didn't choose him or whatever. the girl grabbed the scissors and started to cut her braids into a shoulder length bob. she decided she would take out the rest later, since she was still sick, she would make herself some tea, order food and lay in bed all day.

that's exactly what she did too, until she started to feel dizzy, the girl figured it was because she was moving around too much, so she decided to just stay in her bed all day.


Demi had came by to visit her sick friend as she was off that day. she smiled at the thought.

"are you sure you're not pregnant!" Demi sat down at the end of Ayden's bed.

"don't even bring that up. we used protection." she cleared the option out of the air.

Ayden sneezed before blowing her nose."it could just be the flu."

Demi concernedly  put her hand on her sick friends leg. "honey, you look terrible— no offense, but maybe we should take you to the doctor just in case?"

The woman shook her head. "I'm fine, i just need a nap." she fixed the bed to be more comfortable so she could lay down.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs cooking you some food and tea for later— when you wake up we'll finish taking your braids down. I already made you an appointment, so you can get it pressed." she smiled as she walked towards the door.

"thank you em, I don't know what I'll do without you." she smiled.

"what are best friends for." she looked back one more time before closing the door, leaving the young girl in pitch black by herself with her thoughts.


around 10, all of her friends came home, well expect Meredith. "hey! how was work?" Ayden called from the living room.

Izzie walked through the living room first plopping down on the coach. "it was hetic." she smiled.

George did the same. "my feet hurt." he groaned as he took his shoes off.

Aydens face scrunched up in disgust, once the smell of feet hit her nostrils. "put your shoes back on! or go upstairs." she playfully shoved George.

"Hey—! You know what fine! I'll go upstairs, I have to talk to Meredith anyways." he got up and went inside the kitchen.

"that boy is never going to give up." Izzie laughed. "what's that smell?" she asked as she smelt delicious food in the air.

"Oh, Demi— or Dr. Black stopped by and helped take care of me, she made some chicken and rice, enough for us to have seconds."

"I'm going to go eat some right now." she smiled before getting off the couch and making her way to the door frame. "Oh— what's going on with you and Alex?"

Ayden looked at her confusingly. "nothing— what do you mean, what have you heard?" she questioned her friend intensely.

A smirk grew upon Izzie's face. "Oh, nothing. he might've mentioned you today." she whispered the last part before walking into the kitchen.

"Oh okay!" Ayden shouted. "Wait! What did he say?" she yelled but once she ain't get an answer she quickly got out of her seat and practically rushed into the kitchen to get some answers.

An: sorry for short chapter <3! make sure to comment and vote on each post :)

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