-chapter eight

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"Save me"Season one episode eight

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"Save me"
Season one episode eight

"8 hours, 16 ounces of chocolate and 32 cupcakes, and they still don't taste right." Izzie groaned in annoyance. she has been trying a new thing lately, baking.

"maybe you're trying to hard." Ayden shrugged with a smug on her face, she took a bite into one of the cupcakes, she groaned in delight. "but these right here are delicious." she smirked, as she took another one and stuffed it into her mouth.

Izzie sighed. "there's something missing— some specific ingredient." she pulled her hair out of frustration, she brung a note card with all the ingredients to her face. "why can't I remember."

"look, just call her— call your mother and ask." George said as he was on his fourth cupcake. Izzie shook her head. "I don't want to call my mother."

"Good morning!" Derek announced him and Meredith as he walked through the kitchen. "what you eating there little sis?" he kissed her forehead.

"A cupcake Izzie made. they're pretty good." she smiled.

"wait did you just say little sis?" George asked the older man.

"yea— I assume Ayden didn't tell you, that we were siblings.." he paused and look at the girl, who just shrugged at him with a smirk upon her lips.

"how come you ain't tell us?" Izzie asked.

"I dunno' it never came up." she shrugged as she drunk her milk peacefully.

"we talk about him like 20 times an hour, you could've told us." Izzie crossed her arms.

"look, I didn't tell you guys. big deal. get over it. he's my brother, now you know. happy?"

Izzie shook her head in disbelief.

"wait— ho-" George was going to ask.

"he's my adoptive brother George. now if you excuse me I'm going to get ready for work." she slammed the glass of milk into the table and walked up the stairs."


"so let me get this straight, Izzie and George aren't talking to you— because you didn't tell them that McDreamy was your brother?"

Ayden slammed her locker, and approached the madden hair intern. she crossed her arms and leaned beside her locker. "you are indeed correct." she smirked.

"I think that's a load of bullshit." Cristina told the girl.

"thats what I've been saying." Ayden emphasized.

"you're not entitled to tell no one anything, you could've kept this a secret till the day you die." she closed her locked and grabbed a hair tie to finish's doing her ponytail.

"See you get it, so why can't they." Ayden rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything both hers and Cristina's pager went off, the two ran out of the oncall room.

"you paged us?" Cristina asked the dirty blonde. "take a look!" she smirked at the X-ray film's.

the two girls look closely at the screen. "shouldn't he be in psych?" Ayden asked the fellow intern.

"he's my gift to you— had a seizure two days ago and one this morning." he smirked.

"what are you talking about!" Meredith projected her voice. "it says right here, he talks to dead people, his family thinks he's dangerous, and they had him committed— that's psych not neuro."

"man, didn't you go to med school." Cristina shook her head.

The male intern eyed the three girls eagerly "you're starting to scare me— so I'm going to just leave you two with him— uhm bye!" she said as she quickly rushed away from the three, she was so focused she didn't know she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" she stammered, as she looked up only to find it being, no one else other than; Alex Karev. "why hello Alec." she smiled at him.

"why are you talking to me." he asked with a annoyed look.

"because I can.." she trailed off, as she began to feel lightheaded again. her face began to whiten. she blocked out everything and tried to focus on maintaining her balance as she started to stumble a little.

"well, I don't want you here, so you can leave." He smirked "And my name is alex for the 50th time" when she didn't respond after a minute or so, he knew something was off so he turned towards her, just for him to see her face whiten and sweat all over her face

"Dr. Benson, are you okay?" he asked confusingly . Suddenly the girl body went limped and she fell into his arms. "Ayden?!" he shouted.

"someone page shepherd and bailey!" he yelled for help. "stay with me Ayden." He whispered so only she could hear.

Meredith and Cristina ran towards the scene. "what happened!" Meredith yelled as she fell down to the ground, helping him hold her.

"I-I don't know she just fainted and she hit her head hard on the floor."

"Cristina! Go get a gurney!" Meredith shouted. "come on stay with us Ayden!" Meredith put her hand behind the unconscious girl head only to feel a liquid, when she pulled her hands back she noticed blood.

"alex she's bleeding." she mumbled but alex didn't say anything he was to focused on the girl.

"Alex!" Meredith yelled snapping the man out of his trance.

"What!" he snapped back. "she's bleeding from her head." she repeated but before he could respond. the two attendings and a resident was rushing towards them.

Once Derek, Burke and Bailey rushed over towards the three. Derek shouted at the two. "what the hell happened to my sister!"

"she fainted and she's bleeding." Meredith gave him a short answer while she put a towel under her head to stop the bleeding. they noticed her eyes were starting to grow heavier.

"Den! Den!" Derek shouted. "Ayden keep your damn eyes open!" Derek shouted as he pulled out his flashlight to check her pupils.

The girl couldn't say anything, but she tried her best to keep them open. "Get her a C.T and a M.R.I" Burke told the two interns.

Cristina came back with the gurney, everyone picked her up and strapped her into the gurney. "keep your eyes open ayd." Cristina whispered.
the last thing she remember was her getting pushed down the halls before she fully passed out.

An: a little short and emotional bc why not??? make sure to comment and vote on every chapter! <3

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