-chapter seven

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"The Self-Destruct Button" Season one episode 7

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"The Self-Destruct Button"
Season one episode 7

"I want someone to please me, like whoever's pleasing her." Ayden yawned as she walked towards the coffee maker and made her a cup of coffee.

"same." Izzie smirked. "don't act happy around George— you know he likes mer, so he probably won't take this so good."

Ayden nodded and the both of them stopped smiling once George entered the room. "you guys get any sleep?"

"nah, her bedsprings really kept me up all night." Ayden took a sip out of her coffee.

"so, who's the guy?" George asked.

"you think it was just one guy doing all that work?" the blonde cocked an eyebrow.

"do you mind if I don't think about that." he blinked as he poured the remaining bits of coffee into his cup. "I really don't want to think about that." Ayden mumbled. she obviously knew it was Derek, she didn't want to imagine one of her best friends and her brother having sex, it just wasn't a good thing to imagine.

"why? do you know who it is?" Izzie approached the girl closer.

"nope! just know that whoever's doing her, is doing a hell of a job." she smiled before walking out the kitchen door and she made her way to the stairs. she noticed her brother walk down the stairs.

"have fun Derek?" she jokingly wiggled her eyebrows.

"good morning to you too sister." he kissed her cheek before opening up the door.

she rubbed his kiss off of her cheek"don't kiss me! I don't know where your mouth has been these last— 24 hours!" she whispered shouted as he closed the door. "great, now I have to wash my face again!" she mumbled to herself.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed the kitchen door closing. 'shit.. they know.' she thought to herself before running up the stairs into the bathroom.

The four of them made it to the hospital, alex was inside of the parking lot, jogging in his place. "so we run now?" Ayden questioned the man. "Every day, babe, everyday." he got in her face. "go take a shower, you smell like ass." she smirked before making her way to the hospital.


"I need a major rush to make it through this day." George implied as he took his clothes from the changing room. "I need a kick-ass surgery."

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