Today Is A Good Day

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Hell, Pride Ring

Pentagram City

Ah yes, Pentagram City, the home for sinners where they truly belong. As you might expect, this city has seen a lot of changes since the day the mercenaries left. Overlord Zestial hasn't been seen outside for quite a while since his co-workers left, although he prefers to stay at his base with his loyal servants. But that's not what we're here to discuss. We're here for one particular demon... Cameraman, could you please move to the next location, IMP City?

Cameraman: *Thumbs up*

Thank you, Cameraman... Ahem, now that we're at IMP City, let's take a look at our beloved Hellhound, Loona. She's walking down the street, eyes glued to her phone, oblivious to her surroundings. Don't worry, she won't bite... unless provoked.

(Loona, artist by Scream089)

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(Loona, artist by Scream089)

A sinner accidentally bumps into her, causing her phone to drop and break.

Sinner: Watch where you're going, bit-

The sinner's sentence is cut short as Loona, in a fit of rage, bites his neck and swings him from side to side.

Well, as long as you don't mess with her, she won't bite you... Hopefully. Anyway, let the wacky story begin!

Loona: *Growls* Maybe you should take your eyes off your phone and pay attention, you dumb fucking bitch! *Sighs* Great, this phone was brand new, and this is the 50th time that it's 'accidentally' broken. Well, at least... it's not completely broken.

Loona turns her phone back on. It still works, but the problem is that half the screen is black, leaving the wolf-like girl feeling a mix of relief and frustration.

Loona: Well, the good thing is I know how to fix this phone, thanks to the old man... I wonder what he's been up to out there. *Shake her head* I just hope he's okay. I've lost track of how many years it's been since I last saw him.

Few hours later

Loona finally reaches her workplace, a dark grey and black building adorned with white and black striped horns on each side. The top of the building is lined with spikes, a sight that she already hates. She enters the building, only to be met with an empty interior, save for a lazy janitor sitting at a table, probably watching porn or something. Ignoring the janitor, she heads straight to the elevator. Once inside, Loona presses the button for the seventh floor, causing the elevator doors to slide shut and begin ascending. It doesn't take long before the doors slide open again, and she immediately walks out and heads straight to her office. She opens the door, which reads 'IMP Headquarters, meeting in progress :)', and steps inside. She is greeted by the familiar sounds of bickering and yelling, which she has grown accustomed to. The only two people she recognizes in the room are Moxxie and Blitzo.

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