Is It Happy Reunion?

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Zestial Co.

We see a grey van parked in front of Zestial Company, and the door slides open for Loona and her gang to step out. Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzo are amazed by the enormity of Loona's home. What's even more surprising is that it has its own factory, and it is owned by the oldest Overlord, Zestial.

Loona smirks at her friends and walks towards the large gate, with the imps following behind her.

Blitzo: *Confused* Wait, you didn't tell me that this massive factory is your old home!? And you live with Zestial, the oldest Overlord!

Loona: *Smirking* You could say that again.

Millie: Wait, does that mean your pa is Zestial?

Loona: *Shaking her head* Nope, not him actually. Although he is part of my family, I consider him as my grandpa. Don't worry, he's a nice old man, and he always welcomes visitors.

Moxxie: So, what does he make here?

Loona: He makes a lot of things, like food production, building parts, vehicles, guns, and more guns. He pretty much makes whatever he wants to make.

They stop and reach the front gate as Loona walks towards the entry system. Clearing her throat, she is about to press the ring button when someone calls out to her.

Vaggie: Loona?

The wolf-like girl turns around and sees Vaggie, surprised to see her. Loona's ears perk up, and she runs towards Vaggie, giving her a hug. Her tail wags left and right as she releases her hug from the moth-like angel.

Loona: *Excited* Vaggie! I'm so glad to see you. Where have you been? You've been gone for like 10 years!

Vaggie: *Smiling* Sorry for the sudden disappearance. I had my reasons for that. Now that I'm here, I'm really glad to come back home.

They both hug again, but their moment is interrupted.

Charlie: *Confused* Umm, Vaggie, who is this?

The sudden appearance of the Princess of Hell surprises Loona and the imps. They break away from their hug with an awkward chuckle. Millie comes beside Loona and playfully elbows her, wearing a smirk on her face.

Millie: *Chuckles* Aah never knew ya had a friend. That's not lak ya.

Loona scratches her cheek, blushing at Millie's comment. As for Vaggie, she introduces her girlfriend to her old friend.

Vaggie: Hon, this is Loona, my old best friend. And Loona, this is my girlfriend, Charlie, and this guy right here is Angel Dust.

Charlie: *Smiling* Hi, nice to meet you!

Meanwhile, Angel Dust tries to flirt with Blitzo.

Angel Dust: *Flirting* Hey, hot stuff~

Blitzo: *Flip him off* Fuck off.

Back to the interaction between Loona and Vaggie.

Loona: *Smirking* Nice to meet you too. Oh, and Vaggie, these are my friends Millie, Moxxie, and Blitzo.

Blitzo: The 'o' is silent.

Loona: Whatever. Anyway, now that you're here, are you also waiting for them to come back?

Vaggie: *Nods* Yup, and not only that, I wanted to help my girlfriend with her rehabilitation, right here in this company.

Blitzo and Moxxie try to hold back their laughter but get a slap on the back of their heads from Millie. Loona glares at them before shaking her head with a sigh and looking at her old friend with a genuine smile.

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