Donkey Hunt

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Charlie was out of breath due to her having tried to chase down a red kangaroo, but the marsupial itself proven too fast due to it's speed being 2 miles per hour. Which is faster than a wolf, which could only go 31-37 miles per hour. Lincoln was just behind her as he lets her know he was there with a bark.

Charlie: Oh yeah, Link.

Lincoln: Hi, Uggo. Our friend here has reunited with her older sister and niece.

Charlie: That's good to here.

Lincoln: So you're out of breath?

Charlie: Yes. I tried to chase down a kangaroo, but you know those things are too fast for us to catch. Their other kin are the same way too.

Lincoln: Hey, but I think I know a prey animal that can't hope and that is also a jackass.

Charlie: Like what?

It soon cuts to them looking for prey outside the park. However, that was until they then saw Shiloh, Shane, Shelby, Penny, and Hilda chasing down a feral donkey that just entered the grounds. Lincoln and Charlie went to go join in on the hunt. And good timing too as they then surrounded the donkey.

The feral equine however, wasn't afraid as it stood its ground. The donkey then bucks like crazy and (quite literally) donkey kicks Shane and Shiloh. However, Charlie and Hilda grabbed at its sides and Penny leapt down on it. Lincoln was able to finish the job too.

While he and the others knew that Eliza was right when she said that the feral donkeys of Australia are outright jack-assholes, but they were able to kick its ass. They soon ate and rested for the night.

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