Nightmares nd dreams

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"Hey Luna, you awake?" Autumn whispered.

"Hey, what's up what do you need?" Luna asked pretending to sound sleepy.

"I had a bad dream , can I please have a hug? I need to make sure you're still here." she pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Go on then." Luna exhaled. "I'm scared Lunes She said with tears in her eyes.

"What was the dream about?" Luna asked curiously.

"Y- you." She quivered.

"I need more details, what did I do?". Luna questioned.

"Y-you d-died." Autumn was shaking.

"I'm right here though now right?" She said, hugging Autumn tightly.

"I-I'm sorry." Autumn apologized.

"For?" Asked Luna. "Waking you up." she whispered.

"Aww, it's okay, I'm happy you woke me up!" Luna reassured her. Luna wiped Autumn's tears with the pad of her thumb. "Also, the other week, I went to a market and
got you this!" exclaimed Luna as reached into her backpack. She passed Autumn a blue and white stripy paper bag.

"Ooh, what it it!" She grinned.

"Open it up and you will see!" implied Luna.

"OH MY GOD, AN ORCHID NECKLACE! " Autumn shrieked.

"Well I knew orchids are your favorite flower, I mean you wear them all the time and an orchid is your profile pic on instagram so I went from there." Luna explained. Autumn pulled Luna into a warm embrace. After what seemed like hours they finally pulled away. "Shall we play truth or dare?" Asked Luna.

"Okay, I'll go first. Luna, truth or dare?"

"..Truth..." She responded.

"If you could fuck one celebrity, who would you choose?"

"Either Hailee Steinfeld, Scarlett Johansson or Jenna Ortega."



"They're all girls.."

"I mean yeah, boys are fucking rats and girls are fucking hot, I'd much rather date a girl then a bo-"

"You just came out."

"Shiiitttttt! Please don't hate me!"

"I don't hate you. I CAN'T hate you. You're my everything and NOTHING will EVER change the way I see you. I love you Lunes." Autumn smiled widely. Autumn pulled Luna in for a hug. "I'm always here." Autumn whispered.

"I um I have another gift for you."


"I hope you like it."

"What is it Luna?"

Luna felt a surge of confidence and leaned in, her heart pounding. She placed her lips on Autumn's and they shared a warm and passionate kiss.



"I like you."

"That leads me on to your gift."


"Luna. Ever since I told you I liked girls. I've been waiting. Waiting for the girl of my dreams. Luna, I knew you were gay since we were kids, I could read your thoughts. You didn't want to tell me because you were scared that I'd think you'd be copying me? Am I correct so far?" She asked.

"Yeah. And now for your last gift. Autumn. Will you be my girlfriend?" Luna asked in fear.

"YES! YES I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Autumn leaned in, putting her soft lips on Luna's. After they pulled away Luna looks pale and her eyes are big in fear. 

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