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"Remember when we went to Spain."

"Yup, best holiday I've ever been on!"

"Remember we were under that tree, we watched the clouds and made shapes out of them."

"Yeah, I remember that! You always were better at it than me. You could make a cat or a dog or a car, and all I could make was a blob!"

Luna laughed softly, kissing Autumn's forehead. "You were just as good as me, really. We were just kids, and sometimes we see things differently. Anyway, do you remember how we were sitting there and we heard this rustling in the leaves? And then this little squirrel came out, all cute and furry, and it started to climb up the tree?"

"Yeah," Autumn murmured, her eyes drifting closed. "It was so funny. You fed it peanuts, and it just sat there and ate them."

"It went after your sandwich."

Luna chuckled. "Well, it was mine, and I was just trying to share. But you're right, it was so cute. And it kept coming back, too. Every time we'd eat something, it would show up, expecting food. We spent the whole afternoon just watching it. We even named it. Remember?"


Luna giggled. "Yeah, I remember. You named it Zeed. You were so cute. You were just enamored with the little guy. You wanted to take it home with us." She smiled. "Then after that for about six months,I called you squirrel. It was even your contact name in my phone. I fell in love with you that day. That's why I was so mad and stuff, I was scared if anyone found out what they'd think. But fast forward 5 years and I'm openly out as a lesbian."

She yawned. "I'm sorry, babe. I'm rambling."

"No, no, it's okay. I like hearing about it. It makes me feel close to you, you know?"

Luna nestled closer to Autumn, her body warm and reassuring. "Well, that was the day I knew I was in love with you. But it wasn't until later that I realized I was also in love with your squirrel. You were just so cute together. I remember how you'd spend hours just watching it, feeding it, talking to it. It was like you had this connection with it. And it wasn't just the fact that it was cute, either. It was the way you were with it. You were patient and kind, and you saw something special in it, even when no one else did. And that's what made me fall in love with you."

"You thought since I could love the squirrel like that. You imagined what it would be like for me to love you like that."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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