Wedding prep..?

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"When are we getting married? Next week okay?"

"Legally you can't get married till you're eighteen."

"Fuck the rules. Who gives a shit? And I'll be eighteen in two weeks anyway so..."

"Society care. Not to mention the cops. And you still have to wait, my eighteenth is in four months. "

"But we aren't getting married ON your eighteenth."

"No, but..."

"No buts. We'll just have a commitment ceremony or something. We can invite everyone we know, and we'll just make it clear that it's our wedding. Nobody can tell us any different. And if they do, we'll just laugh at them for being so uptight."

"Yes but not on your actual birthday. I'm gonna make your eighteenth the best birthday you've ever had."

"Okay, you're right. You're so thoughtful. You know what, I want to plan it. I want to pick out our wedding colors, our flowers, the music, the food..."


"What? No, you can't just say 'blue'! You have to give me a specific shade."

"Blue blue."

"Fine, I'll give you blue. We'll have a beautiful sky blue wedding. But I get to pick the flowers, okay? I've always wanted peonies at my wedding."


"P-peonies. Not penis, you idiot."

"Sounds like penis."

"Shut the fuck up."

"If you want your penis flowers you can have them though."

"You are such a jerk sometimes."

"I know."

"So umm can I play at our wedding...?"

"My hot guitarist girlfriend." Luna moaned seductively. "Of course you can play. I want you to play that sexy guitar of yours and make everyone in the room melt."

"Well, I mean, I'd have to learn something more appropriate for a wedding than just..."

"Oh, shut up. You're the one who plays that sexy music, not me. I want you to play whatever you want, just make sure it's sexy."

"Yeah but last time we were together and I played THAT music on my guitar, we got cat called, remember?"

"Well that's simple. Don't invite any pedophiles to the wedding."

"You know what I mean. It's just, some people might not understand."

"They can go fuck themselves. It's our wedding, and we'll do what we want. And if anyone gives you any crap about it, you just point them at me, and they'll understand."

"...Mmmhhh 'kay"

Luna smiled and kissed Autumn on the cheek. "I love you. And I'll protect you. And I promise that you won't have to worry about anything. Because you're mine and I'm yours, and nothing else matters. Okay?

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