Panic attack

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"I-I'm gonna go outside for a bit, if you need me I'll be under the tree."

"Okay, take your time. I'll be here."

Luna sat down on the soft, green grass, her back against the rough bark of the tree. Her heart raced, her breath came in short, sharp gasps. She felt hot and cold all at once. "I can't do this," she whispered. "I can't be in a relationship. I don't deserve to be happy."

Her thoughts spun out of control. What if Autumn changed her mind? What if she didn't really love Luna? What if this was all just some sort of mistake? The panic attack seemed to magnify every little fear and insecurity she'd ever had. She buried her face in her hands, trying to calm herself down.

"Luna? Baby? Are you okay?"

Luna's head shot up at the sound of Autumn's voice. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks stained with tears. She felt a mixture of relief and embarrassment wash over her as she saw Autumn kneeling in front of her, a concerned expression on her face.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I don't know what happened. I just... I just feel so overwhelmed."

"It's okay, Luna. I'm here. You can take your time. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Autumn gently brushed a strand of hair behind Luna's ear. "You know you don't have to be perfect, right? You don't have to be strong all the time. You can lean on me, and I'll be here for you."

"But-" Luna tried to protest, but Autumn placed a soft finger on her lips to silence her.

"Shhh... I know you don't think you deserve it, but you do. You deserve to be happy, Luna. And you know what else? You don't have to be perfect. You're already perfect just the way you are. You're smart, funny, kind, and beautiful. I see it, and I've always seen it. So don't you dare think that I'm only with you because you're like me or because I pity you. I'm with you because I love you."

"Why I'm so-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."


"No buts." Autumn leaned in and kissed Luna softly on the lips. "Look at me."

Luna reluctantly met her gaze. "What do you want me to see?"

"That you're loved. That you're wanted. That you're beautiful, just the way you are. I want you to see that I'm here for you, and that I'm not going anywhere."



Luna swallowed hard, trying to steady her voice. "No, I don't want to see that. I don't deserve it."

"Yes, you do," Autumn insisted. "And if you can't believe me right now, then believe this." She leaned in again, kissing Luna more firmly this time.

Luna's body tensed at first, then began to relax as she allowed herself to enjoy the feeling of being held and loved. When they finally pulled away, Autumn smiled softly at her. "See? You feel it too, don't you?"

Luna nodded, her eyes filling with tears again. "I-I don't understand. Why do you want to be with me? I'm not-"

"Shh, shh..." Autumn silenced her with a gentle finger on her lips. "You're everything I've ever wanted, Luna. You're smart, funny, kind, and beautiful. You're everything I could ever hope for in a partner. And I know it's hard for you to see that right now, but it's true. You are perfect just the way you are."

Luna sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "But I-"

"No buts," Autumn interrupted her gently. "You are perfect, Luna. And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. I mean it. You're everything I could ever want in a partner." She leaned in and kissed Luna softly on the lips.

As they broke apart, Luna felt a wave of warmth spread through her body. She looked into Autumn's eyes and saw nothing but love and acceptance. She had never experienced anything like it before, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying. But somehow, Autumn made her feel safe.

"You're sure?" she whispered, searching for any sign of doubt in Autumn's expression.

"Silencio cariño, te tengo y nunca me iré, ¿vale?"

"Wh-when did you start learning spa-spanish?"

"I learned it so then I could calm you down when you felt like this."

"How did you know it calmed me down?"

"Because as soon as we step into Spanish class your shoulders relax and your eyes light up. And whenever we study you always seem way more calm."

"That's not-"

"No, no, please let me," Autumn interrupted, holding up a hand. "It's true, I promise. I've noticed how much you like it when I talk to you in Spanish, and I wanted to find a way to help you feel better. To make you feel calm and safe. So I studied, and I practiced, and I learned some words and phrases that I thought might help. And it worked, didn't it? You relaxed when I spoke to you in Spanish, didn't you?"

She waited for Luna to answer, her eyes searching Luna's face for any sign of understanding or acceptance. Finally, Luna nodded slowly. "Yeah... it did."

"Your mom used to speak to you in Spanish didn't she?"

Luna nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, she did. Sometimes when I was upset or angry she'd try to talk to me in Spanish, and it would make me feel better."

"Yeah, I remember. She said ' Necesitas casarte con esa chica cuando seas grande Luna ' whenever us two were together."

"And what do you think? Would you marry me someday?" Autumn asked with a playful grin, her heart pounding in anticipation of Luna's answer. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to be standing here, holding the most amazing woman in the world.

Luna felt her cheeks flush as she looked into Autumn's eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this way about someone. It was like a warmth spreading through her whole body, starting from her heart and radiating outward. She took a deep breath and forced a small laugh before answering. "Oh, shut up. You're so annoying."

"I am not!" Autumn protested, feigning hurt. "I'm just trying to make you feel better."

Luna smiled and leaned in, resting her head on Autumn's shoulder. "You know what? I think I would." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I mean, I would want to marry you, if you'd have me."

"Oh, mi amor," Autumn whispered, wrapping her arms around Luna and pulling her closer. "I would be the luckiest person in the world if you'd have me." She kissed Luna softly on the forehead.

"Love you Autumn."

"I love you too, Luna."

"I love you more."

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