Chapter 11

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Coming upon the tiny houses, the two teenagers immediately heard the loud engine of the man’s truck tearing down a nearby street.

“We’ll lead him to the police station,” Rudolph yelled as the wind whipped in their ears. Tony nodded, surveying the winding roads. They were only a mile or so from it. 

Rudolph led them towards his truck, which was speeding down a narrow avenue. He hadn’t noticed them yet, and Tony was afraid of what would happen when he did see. Suddenly the truck screeched to a halt. The two stopped for a moment.

“Why would he stop like that?” Tony looked to Rudolph for an answer, who only shrugged his shoulders.

“We could try flying by to see if he notices,” he nodded at the vampire, who shot them across the sky, the wind slashing against them. As they flew past, the truck jumped to life, the engine growling and flashlight dancing around them. 

Tony’s heart began to race and his breath came in short and shallow. He didn’t want Rudolph to get hurt trying to help rid Tony of what he was afraid to face again. If Rudolph was ever injured because of him, he’d never be able to forgive himself. He hated how much his friend trusted him sometimes; Tony couldn’t protect Rudolph if anything were to happen to him. He couldn’t see his best friend die as he only helplessly watched from a distance. But the blond didn’t want his friend to go away. Tony wanted him there, with him , for the rest of his life. Forever. 

A beam of light touched Rudolph’s hand that was holding onto Tony’s, and he yelped, releasing his grasp on the boy. Tony screamed, falling hundreds of feet, his arms flailing, reaching out for the vampire. He knew Rudolph would catch him. He had to. 

He had stopped screaming and called Rudolph’s name before realizing he wasn’t there yet. He closed his eyes tightly when he saw the roofs of houses pass by. A tree branch snagged his shirt and he tumbled in the air. He opened his eyes to see a flash of grass and concrete. It was close, so close to him. He shut his eyes again, waiting for impact with the ground. 

Then he was wrenched upwards suddenly, hearing a painful cry from his friend. Tony felt the grass brush his back as he was lowered gently to the ground. Rookery’s truck rumbled in the distance, approaching the street. Tony’s heart hammered in his chest, which rose and fell quickly; he was still in shock. Rudolph hissed, holding his ashen looking hand in his lap.

“Rudolph? Are you alright?” he tilted Rudolph’s chin up so that the teenager would look up into his eyes. 

“Yeah,” he winced when he flexed his hand a bit. He rapidly stood up, holding out his one unharmed hand to the blond, who took it, standing up shakily. “I’ll be fine. Are you alright? I nearly didn’t save you in time. I would have never forgiven myself, and I gave you quite a fright. Here,” Rudolph shrugged off his jacket as he realized the blond was hyperventilating and helped Tony shimmy into it, his heart beating out of his chest, not just from the fall. His hands barely came past the ends of the sleeves; it just about swallowed Tony, hanging off of him comfortably. It wasn’t as hard and crusty as Tony imagined a three hundred year old jacket would be; it was large and soft and warm and smelt of- oh, he knew exactly what it smelled like. He wanted to keep that jacket forever. 

“Th- Thank you, Rudy.”

 “Of course,” he smirked, lilac flashing across his face. “Let’s put that foolish man back where he belongs.” 

Tony reached out for him, but paused. “Rudy… I’m only going to slow us down,” he murmured. “You saw what just happened now. I almost got you killed, and now… now he’s coming because you had to get me. Just leave me here.”

A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE) RUDONY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now