Chapter 12

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Rudolph returned days later, mumbling an apology about leaving him at the station when Tony abruptly ran up to the vampire who had just entered through the window.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, Tony," he sighed, running a hand through his hair, beginning to formally apologize. "My... my father wouldn't let me venture outside. He didn't trust me and he thought I would only go and visit you again... which he was right about, as a matter of fact."

The two giggled nervously, and Rudolph offered his hand out to the teenager, who took it immediately, eager for the rush of wind against his face again. But he stopped, frowning before the vampire turned to the window.

"What's wrong?" his friend asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't you worried that we'll be found out by your father again? Won't they get super mad at you if that happens?"

Rudolph let out a deep chuckle, lifting the two off his carpet and through the window. "I don't care anymore. As long as I get to see you, mortal, I'll be alright. I'm sincerely sorry for leaving you when my father discovered us... and after we had just been chased by Rookery. I could not have done a more awful thing to you," he paused in midair, whipping around with pleading eyes. "Could you ever forgive me?"

"O- oh of course I forgive you. I'm flying with you now, aren't I?" the vampire blew out a breath of a laugh, shooting off into the sky with Tony at his side.

The pair eventually sat down on a grassy mountaintop, surrounded by prickly grass and violets. A cool midnight breeze ruffled through the trees, engulfing the two boys in a calm whispering crackle. Their hands lay next to one another, nearly touching. Tony's heart thrummed noisily in his chest as he tried to find the right words to say.

"The moon is beautiful tonight," Rudolph said, lost in the night sky above them. Tony hummed, distracted, studying Rudolph's features longingly. They each lay down in the grass, not saying a word when their hands brushed momentarily. Resting shoulder to shoulder, they lay in silence for a long while, gazing at the stars.

Tony practically vibrated the entire time, going through so many scenarios in his head. This was going to be the night he told Rudolph. He had turned this thought over and over in his head for the days Rudolph was gone. He had decided that this would be the night. The night he would stop being a wuss and ball up enough courage to be able to tell his best friend how he felt. He couldn't have Rudolph leave that suddenly ever again, with no knowledge of his return. No looking back. Never.

His heartbeat increased tenfold, as much as he thought it couldn't quicken any more. He held his breath, shutting his eyes tightly before he let it out, sitting up quickly. "Rudolph?"

"Hmm?" the dark haired teenager replied, sitting up as well to look into his eyes. Tony flushed, growing frustrated with himself that he couldn't keep it together. "What is it?"

"Uhm... I..." he began, looking down at the thick grass. He pulled a few blades out anxiously, feeling them against his fingertips. He discarded them and stood up quickly, running fingers through his blond hair. He looked out at the sky again, cursing it silently. "Rudolph... I... I have school... in the morning..."

Damn it. Tony nearly kicked himself for being so stupid. Of course he wouldn't have said anything.

The way he was raised turned him into a small, meek, weak-spirited teenager. He couldn't express himself. He had grown to shut people out, afraid they would reject him. He may have thought he could do it sometime, but not now. Not with a kind, gorgeous vampire in front of him, making him feel so special, so loved and cared about.

"Oh... alright," the vampire sighed, sitting up. That pulled Tony out of his thoughts, who snapped his head down to look into his eyes. Before the dark haired boy stood though, he paused, crouching next to a spot of purple on the ground.

A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE) RUDONY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now