Chapter 21: Calm Pills

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(A/N: Yay! I'm on Spring Break now and if you don't know what that is because you're from a different country or just young, it's where we get a week and half off so you know what that means? MORE WRITING, MORE UPDATES, this is the part where you fangirl and clap like a seal. Yep, I want you to do that...right now, andddd GO. *Fangirls and claps* There, I did it for you. Calm down, anyways, read!)

Chapter 21 :D


Cher's POV


"Harry!" I shouted, getting over to him, and pouring some batter over his head of curls.

"Hahahahahahaha." Niall did his famous laugh, pointing at Harry as his mouth was wide open, still in shock right now.

"Oh my, you didn't." Liam walked in the room, holding in his laughs. I walked away from them, finding a seat next to Zayn on the couch as he was covering his mouth not to laugh out loud like Niall, Louis, and I.

"This day turned out better than I expected." I giggled again, resting my feet upon the coffee table in front of me, but Harry tossed a bunch of water on me now...

"HARRY!" I screeched, hopping off of the couch as I chased him around the hotel room, I had to dodge many things that he was tossing at me while he was running for his life. Oh my, this is tiring.

"Harry Styles! GET BACK HERE!" I shouted at him, jumping over the couch as he was now trapped, he only backed up, looking for more objects to chuck towards me.

"You think you're sneaky, yeah?" I smirked, walking closer to him as he hit the back of the wall.

"You don't wanna do this Cher, s'not worth it." Harry shook his curls fast.

"I think it is." I smirked even better until someone picked me up by my waist, dragging me away from the culprit in front of me. I frowned, turning my head to see Louis tossing me onto the couch.

"Louis! I was getting my revenge!" 

"Not on my Hazza!" Louis grabbed his cup of tea, taking a few sips. When did he get tea?


"Yes 'Princess.'" Louis rolled his eyes as he put quotations over the word 'Princess.'

"I'm the princess...I don't wanna be the queen." I sang outloud, giggling as he brought me a new cup over, bowing after I took it.

"Never?" Niall started to smirk.

"Ever." I shook my head, "I like being a princess, not a queen."

"This is too lovey dovey, if Perrie was here, I wouldn't mind it, but no no." Zayn took Niall away by placing him onto a different couch.

"We didn't even do anything!" I protested.

"You know about Jimmy protesting right? HE'S ONLY ALLOWED TO!" Louis screamed ten times louder than I have ever heard.

"I just protested..." I covered my ears, they were ringing slightly.

Someone started knocking on my door, great. They're too loud, I knew it. I need to act like I'm not in here, wait, this is my hotel room, I have to answer it. Gah.

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