Chapter 13: You've Always Been Mine

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(A/N: Sorry it's been a little while for an update! I apologize on my behalf, a lot happens during and after Thanksgiving, but here I am, updating for you special Chiall or just Cher...or Niall lovers :D)

By the way...SCHOOL SUCKS, kay?

Chapter 13 :D


Cher's POV


"I don't care if you don't want to answer, but...why do you all think she is pregnant?" Niall walked to the edge of the stage.

"SHE IS!" A fan or two screamed.

"She is not, she respects herself much more than some of you who want to throw your selves at us like desperate people, she's a normal person just like you and I. I don't think you'd like the position she has been in lately, and you wouldn't like ours either." Niall started saying.

"Yeah, I don't like how my girlfriend has been getting hate too, she hasn't done anything to anyone of you guys, but you still try to take her down, please...just stop you're not a fan if you just hate, hate, hate." Liam stood up.

"I think Zayn and I have to say the same thing, they cry over this, they almost don't know how to handle it, but you all think it's just funny, well it's NOT! And we're all just normal people, this is our job." Louis nodded.

"Stop the hate, it's pushing it, and you're just going to end up getting hate your self, we do have fans out there who stand up for us, but don't hate on our fans, directioners." Zayn replied.

"Do you all know how long I've been hurt by the hate, it's a long time, it takes me days to fix myself up, bringing us down is only going to hurt you in the end, let it go," Harry sighed, "let it go."

"I normally just ignore the hate, but some things can really dig into my skin, knock down my walls, and tear me apart. I don't understand some of you. Weren't you treated better than this? I really hope so, none of you have the right to be doing this, what if your idol left their career or stopped singing because of hate, think about other people for a chance, not just yourself." I told them, wiping a tear that had slid down my cheek.

The hate needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, you all have heard what they've said. I think this went by too much, but we're going to stop here. Thank you all for watching and being here. See you later." Mr. No Name said, before cameras were off, and now the other fans were rambling with each other.

"Come on, all of you." Paul said in a loud whisper, urging us all over to him.

"You're going to be alright, love." Niall put his hand on my lower back while we walked backstage.

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