Chapter 6: Anger, Jealousy, and Love

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(A/N: School keeps me away from Wattpad, I do NOT like it, I love writing...I want to write everyday!!!)

Chapter 6 :D


Niall's POV

I couldn't sleep all the way last night, I had to call Becca to get her help.


"Hello?" I could tell that I just woke her up, wow.

"Hey, sorry for calling so late, can you help me with something?" I was desperate.

"Can't the boys help you, or is it something different?"


"Go ahead, I'm wide awake now." 

"Well, you know Cher now..."


"Well, I've had feelings for her for a while now, but now she seems into Harry. I want to make her jealous, but I need your help."

"This is what fake girlfriends are here for, what are we doing?"

"Just be much more flirty around me, I'll do the same back, try to blush a lot. Focus on me, we'll plan this tomorrow, she spent the night, so come early."

"Why don't I just come now? It's six in the morning." 

"Sure, you can sleep on my bed, I'll take the floor."

"I'll be over in 15 minutes." That's when the call ended.

***End of Flashback***

I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Becca <3

Open the door, just got here.

I got up from my bed, opening my door silently, trailing my way down the stairs.

I opened the door, seeing Becca smiling, she came in, I let her follow me back to my room, this will be good.

"Where is Cher staying?" Becca whispered, curling up in my bed.

"In Harry's room." I sighed, grabbing a pillow and a blanket, curling up on the floor, shutting my eyes.

"We'll figure it out in the morning." She yawned. Yeah, we will...

"NIALL!" I could hear Louis' voice banging on the door, he usually will knock until I say come in.

I hopped on the bed, wrapping my arms around Becca, she stirred some.

"Come in." My voice was a little bit raspy.

Louis opened the door, then raised his eye brows, winking afterwards.

"Nothing happened, mate." I shook my head, sitting up.

More Than This...With Ur Love (Niall Horan and Cher Lloyd Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora