The Visit To Dorcha

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King Gael had gathered all the women that were still in the competition in the room. He wasted very little time in informing them that since they were down to the final four that all of them along with him would travel to each of the women's homes. He said it was to see how they grew up and the example they had growing up in their families and what morals or values they had gotten by living in these different places. Terra was estactic at this news, she was going to see her grandmother again! "First we will be heading to Dorcha to visit Clawnarief, Lady Aylin's home town" the King announced before walking out of the room. A troubling thought occurred when Terra looked over at Lady Aylin and she didn't seem as excited as Terra and the others did. Terra remembered that Lady Aylin wasn't too pleased with being taken out of an active combat role so maybe she was still bitter about that decision or maybe she argued with someone over that decision and that caused a problem within the ranks. Terra wouldn't pry, it wasn't her place to do so.

Maria and Sir Darryl would also becoming with Terra, along with the contestants personal servants and personal guard. Two carriages were arranged for the King and the contestants, the king and the woman who's home they were travelling to would be in one carriage and the other women would be in the other. Terra was delighted to be leaving the palace for the first time in months. Helga was delighted that her granddaughter would be coming home for a little while, Helga had missed Terra terribly and was constantly worried for her safety. Terra's cousins were also happy that Terra was visiting, mostly so they could dump all the work they had to do for the last few months on her and take a break for themselves.

This would be the first time Terra was travelling out of Denirir. Terra had heard little bits about Dorcha from travellers who would stop into the café for a bit and would strike up a conversation with her. She heard that like it's name would suggest, Dorcha was a lot darker than any other place in the world. The sun would always be dim there and the night was pitch black with barely any moonlight or starlight to guide people's way. However there are these luminous mushrooms that grow around the paths and trees to help people find their way through the trechourous darkness.

Terra was not excited about sharing a carriage with Lady Willow, at least Lady Eileen was pleasant to talk to, Lady Willow spent the entire carriage ride making snide comments about Terra, Lady Eileen and the state of the country side. Terra wanted to tell her to shut up but didn't want to get into an argument that would probably last for hours. It took them five days to get to the border and Terra wad contemplating just murdering Lady Willow and swearing Lady Eileen to secrecy, Lady Eileen was thinking something similar.

"Are you exited to visit your home Lady Eileen?" Terra asked Lady Eileen, trying to block out the sound of Lady Willow's voice. Lady Eileen smiled brightly, "I am, oh I've missed my family terribly!" Lady Eileen admitted as she looked out the window. "What about you Terra?" Lady Eileen asked in return. Terra nodded, "I'm excited to see my grandmother again, but I can't bare the thought of what my cousins have down to the kitchen in the café since I left, oh they have probably moved everything about!" Terra laughed. Lady Eileen chuckled at the last bit. "What was it like?, working in a café with your grandmother" Lady Eileen asked as she was interested in how different Terra's normal life was compared to her own. Terra was more than happy in telling Lady Eileen about the café, anything was better than listening to Lady Willow complain all the time.

"There never really was a dull moment, always some sort of scandal was happening in town and people would come to the café to gossip about it, there would be people travelling from out of town who would stop in for a bit and share a few stories of their adventures with me whenever I would serve them." Terra explained delightedly, "my grandmother would always either be at the counter or in the kitchen making tea or scones or some sort of concoction that no one had ever even heard of or dared to try!". Lady Eileen smiled at Terra and wanted her to continue. "My grandmother and I get along quite well, probably since she raised me and all that but my fondest memories were of when my grandfather was alive, I always remember him being full of energy and he always had this big bright smile on his face, my grandmother was sort of similar to him. She would hum a song and dance about a bit in the kitchen while my grandfather would work at the counter taking orders!". Lady Eileen commented sweetly, "Your grandparents sound like wonderful people!". Terra agreed.

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