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I was dang dirty, y'all. Probably the dirtiest non-homeless non-scat fetishist on the dang planet. However, up until recently, even on my monstrously fat frame, my rolls were never really deep enough to keep anything in 'em for any extended period of time, or to lose anything there. That was changin' though as I reveled in the freedom to burp in public whenever I felt any pang of gas. One would ask, how does someone get fat from burpin'? Well, I now found myself with far more room in my already stretched stomach which meant I was eatin' far more than before.With all these empty calories and kilos of saturated fat, came more rolls. They were truly becoming cavernous now. I was almost perpetually sweatin' and that had a tendency to slowly rinse away some of the surface slop, but within my new arm deep rolls, the sweat could never wick away. It just sat in there, festerin', wetting old food crusts, and then recrustin' over. They were truly fetid waste dumps, but the smell was actually minimized as the pudge was self-sealin'. Of course, this all went away the second I got up to get more to eat. Or when I rolled over to have the only pleasure food couldn't provide. Or when I played with my rolls while bein' fed by others. So the time I spent not smellin' like I fell into crap creek was pretty small actually.I didn't hardly notice the issue until after one particularly ravenous, gluttonous stuffin'. I was so stuffed that all I could manage after scarfing down bucket after bucket of fried chicken was a nice long nap. Wakin' up hungry (not that I ever woke up full) I felt a little strange beyond that. My go to solution for well...everything these days was to rub my expandin' gut. As I ran my comparatively tiny hands across my vast midsection, I explored the greasy canyons and oily folds. When I got elbow deep in them, things started to fall out...whole chicken bones in fact. Some partially eaten, others stripped of everything. I watched in hedonistic glee as I realized just how much gunk had built up in my starter rolls. As I fantasized about the future of my fat, I drooled like a river. When I snapped to, I figured "Why waste?" and ate the gunk from my rolls (a second time).

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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