//Chapter six//

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After you arrived at the place, took a seat and ordered. Raymond asked if it was alright if he quickly send a couple of E-mails, like the gentleman he is, and did so after you said "of course" and "you didn't have to ask. But i do appreciate that you did.". The two other men sat down two table across from you to give you at least a bit privacy, this entire thing still totally freaked you out and you were sure it would take you some time to get used to it. He gave you a smile before he started to write, as he was sitting in front of you in his white shirt and black tie he looked so out of the world as you looked at the men surrounding you. They wore sports clothes, strange designer "fashion" or just a simple t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants like they had just woken up. He looked almost attractive if you thought about it, his beard was probably your favorite about his appearance but his choice of clothing did something to him you appreciated a lot, just like his physical fitness. The entire restaurant was almost the opposite to him, it was modern and hip with a couple of strange costumers but he, he was almost mysterious, his every move was so elegant and soft, he was extremely intelligent and well mannered. He was an old school gentleman and you loved him for that. Of course not in a "love" love wat, in a...friendship way. At least you thought so at the moment. After the food arrived Raymond put his phone aside and focused on eating, he seemed rather hungry.
"Don't you think it's a bit strange that I'm going to live with you for a while now and know absolutely nothing about you?"
He looked up at you while still chewing and thought about his answer, after he had swallowed he then started to tell you something about him.
"Alright. I was born and raised in a small town near London. I have one older brother who is happily married with two kids and lives in Spain now. I prefer dogs over cats and my favorite author is Stephen King."
He grabbed another sushi roll and acted like everything he had just said wasn't material for a perfect husband.
"Never thought you were the Stephen King type, to be honest."
You grabbed another roll as well, a tempura, your favorite.
"I've heard that a lot actually. That's why i usually don't tell a lot of people."
"I feel honored."
He gave you and honest, sweet smile.
"Your turn. Tell me about you."
He nodded at you before chewing again.
"Ok, uhm. Well you know the basics about my history, I actually prefer cats over dogs, but i love all animals to be completely honest. My favorite pizza is Diavolo, the spicy one you know?"
He nodded.
"I'm in love with Trentino movies and i worship Taylor Swift."
You thought what else would be important to know about you.
"Oh and i love cooking. But never ever let me bake anything. People say those two things are almost the same. Trust me their not. I'm an amazing cook but i have never been able to bake."
That made him chuckle a bit. God, you really liked it when he did that. He didn't chuckle often but you somehow wished he would.
"Can i ask you something more personal now?"
"Sure, spill."
"What about your dating history? Have you ever dated, are you in a relationship right now?"
He inhaled deeply before clearing his throat.
"I'm so sorry. I-i shouldn't have asked. That's none of my business."
"No. No. It's fine. I uh- I've never really been in a serious relationship but i have dated before just nothing long term. And no. I am not dating anyone right now."
He said with a little wink at the end. You almost blushed and quickly went back to your food.
"What about you?"
He asked, you heard some nervousness in his words but you could've also just imagined it.
"I've actually had quiet a few nasty boyfriends, never gained a good experience from it so i decided to just leave the game for a while until men turn a bit more mature for me to date. He nodded and showed he fully understood and agreed. After you finished the food and he brought you back home he told you he was needed at your brothers again. Mickey had texted you a bit later, telling you he wanted to pick you up for dinner around 9. Two of his men would go and get you, he wanted to cook and told you to get ready at least half an hour earlier, you usually tended to get late for stuff like that he remembered. You set yourself a timer and started to watch Gossip Girl until it went off.

Raymond SmithWhere stories live. Discover now