//Chapter seventeen//

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The following days you felt awful, you were dizzy, you threw up every single peace of food left in your stomach and thought you had to die from the amount of migraines you had. But Raymond was somehow able to sometimes black out all the pain and sickness and make you laugh or just smile. You adored him for helping you through this and not wanting to gain anything from it, he simply did it to make you feel better, he just wanted you to suffer less especially because he still blamed himself for it. The doctor came around for another check and gave you two more packs of pain killers.
"Could you read something for me?"
You asked in a weak voice after the doctor had left and you sat silently next to Raymond on the sofa. He looked at you a bit surprised but nodded.
"What do you want me to read?"
You pulled up your shoulders and rubbed your eyes, he sighed and grabbed the book on top of his book stack on his coffee table. After he opened it you moved a bit closer to him and gently placed your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. He started reading but soon felt uncomfortable.
"Could you put your head somewhere else? I can't read like this."
Out the mouth of someone else it might've sounded a bit rude but his soothing and calm tone made it sound like a compliment, as usual. You groaned quietly as you lifted your head and, for his surprise, placed it on his lap with one of your hands on his thigh. He continued reading you into a soft slumber and stopped after he noticed how dark it got outside already. He put the book away and looked down at your peacefully sleeping body deciding weather he should wake you or not. He found it best to try and pick you up without waking you up and carrying you into bed. As he did so, in bridal style of course, your arms wrapped around his neck tighter, though you were still asleep. He inhaled your sweet scent once again as your skin was so close to his, he placed you on the bed carefully and covered you with blankets before heading downstairs again to make dinner. As he was halfway through making a simple avocado pasta he heard slow footsteps making their way downstairs. He faced his back to the staircase as he was stirring the pasta but saw your tired and exhausted figure sit down on the counter as he turned around.
"How can one man be so loud?"
He was surprised and almost embarrassed, he hadn't noticed wether he was making much noise or not.
"I'm terribly sorry, miss Pearson. I didn't mean to wake you."
He was just so good at making you smile, especially when you felt like anything but smiling.
"Miss Pearson? I like that."
He returned your words with a smile while chopping some onion. God, he was just so majestically beautiful and he didn't even have to try. With his rolled up sleeves and his usually slicked back hair a bit messy and his surprisingly big hands chopping the-
"Can you pass me the garlic please?"
He said as he stopped the rhythmic chopping and looked at you waiting. Wordlessly you passed him the garlic. You tried distracting yourself from his gorgeous being and your focus immediately fell on your hair that desperately needed a wash.
"God, i really have to wash my hair."
You mumbled to yourself. Due to your injuries it was hard to go showering because the bandages shouldn't get wet and you mostly didn't have the energy to shower anyway. It grossed you out yourself but you had other problems to deal with.
"You can take a bath after dinner. The doctor told me you could take off the bandages tonight."
You looked up at him surprised.
"Really? Why didn't he tell me that?"
Raymond pulled up his shoulders as he crushes the garlic into the pan with the avocado sauce.
"But a nice bath does sound very tempting."
You said with a smile.
"Are you sure it won't mess with my circulation, though? My mom always told me it can get dangerous when your already physically weakened."
Raymond stopped what he was doing, you didn't notice that he had, and summed up all the courage in him to make the next move. It might've been bold but he was so desperate for more, more of you.
"I could come with you. I mean, i don't have to join but just to make sure you don't pass out."
Your eyes widened at every word and you only noticed after a couple of seconds that your breathing had stopped. Raymond was still facing the pan and by that showing you his back which might ease him but also freak him out more because he couldn't see your facial expressions. Which currently were an unhealthily red face and a jaw dropped as low as possible.
You stuttered still longing for air.
You said strangled by your own social awkwardness. Raymonds face now too light up red but the excitement and happiness was basically flooding out of him.
He mumbled to himself while slightly nodding. You quickly freshened up yourself as he turned around and gave him a smile. You two were ridiculously awkward at dinner but it was adorable at the same time. You couldn't focus on a thing and both barely spoke, your minds only circled around what was to come after dinner. It was almost like you couldn't wait but at the same time you still tried stalling some more time.
"This pasta is amazing, by the way."
He smiled with his mouth full and answered after he finished chewing.
"Thank you. It's simple but easy."
You nodded. As you finished you cleaned up, washed the dishes and finally went upstairs for the bath. He went into the bathroom first and already filled up the tub while you were pacing around the bedroom picking out your pretties pjs and underwear, quickly shaving your armpits and legs in the sink, putting on some more perfume because you began to notice that he liked it. You decided to shave your pubes too, just in case. You knew it was natural and didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed but you hoped this might make you feel more confident and comfortable with the whole situation. You also decided that it might be weird if he just sat beside the tub and watched you so you might as well just take it a little further and ask him to join you. Raymond was in the bathroom freaking out simultaneously. He hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself considering the fact that he wasn't good at interactions with females, especially intimate ones. As you finally came into the bathroom and the water was filled up you nervously asked him to join you.
"I just thinks it's fair, no? You see me naked and i get to see you naked."
You were sweating at places you normally didn't sweat and felt your knees weirdly wobbling away. Raymonds facial expressions were very often unreadable but in that moment you knew exactly what he was thinking, with that smug smirk of his.
"Of course I'll join you, darling."
He said as he already put his glasses aside and started undressing himself. You followed his example and began to undress as well, while you began to relax to the soft jazz playing in the background. There was this young feeling inside both of you again, the feeling of being a teenager again. A silly, shy, nervous teenager that was in love. He got undressed first and immediately got into the warm tub, watching you follow him. After you were undressed he helped you take off your bandages from inside the tub, checking your injuries, visibly trying to stay cool while you were standing fully naked in front of him. He leaned against the wall of the bath tub and you weren't quiet sure wether you should face him or lean your back against his chest. The whole situation felt so awkward but exciting at the same time.
"You can just lean against me."
Raymond whispered as he saw you hesitating, he couldn't bring out more than a whisper, he was still speechless by how beautiful you looked. You nodded and did as you were told. You slipped into the warm water and bend your knees in order to fit into the small space between his legs. You leaned back against his chest and exhaled relaxed as you did so. The picture of his defined chest, his strong arms and beautiful body was now burned and carved into your memory and you promised yourself to look after it and never let it fade away. After a couple of minutes of just leaning against his chest the two of you finally got more comfortable. He began rinsing your head with water and shampooing it for you as well. While doing so he still couldn't slow down his breathing.
"You're so beautiful."
He whispered, still in shock. You once again lit up red and giggled.
"Thank you, Raymond."
He continued gently massaging your scalp, being careful around your ears and the edges to your face. He rinsed out the shampoo again and repeated the entire process one more time, as he was taught by his barber. How did you get from being a single and completely lost, young model in NYC to being washed by your handsome, older bodyguard? You had already stayed with him for more than a year and the time had flown by way too quickly. When you looked back at the months you'd spent in England now, you thought of the time with Raymond first, the spicy and happy memories with him, than the whole kidnapped and tortured by Russian mafia boss thing. And that made you so much more than happy, the fact that he makes you forget about all of that by simply existing. It was so surprising to you once again, how comfortable he made you feel. You were fully naked with an also fully naked man that you have never done more than make out with. But it wasn't really sexual so far, your time together in the tub. It was mostly just relaxing and calming to the soul and body. You were more than sure that if you had been in the same situation with any other man it wouldn't have been as close to not sexual as with Raymond. But after he was done washing your hair he grabbed them and pulled them aside slightly before lowering his face to your shoulder. His lips brushed over your soft, wet skin before starting to kiss all over it. His beard scratched over your shoulder and created such a strong contrast to his soft, sloppy, delicate kisses. His free hand held onto the edge of the tub and you could see it tense up from time to time, revealing his veins. His lips traveled up your neck and you body suddenly reacted automatically, letting a moan escape your lips. You felt him smiling into your skin as he continued kissing along it. You tried to hold in more moans by biting your lip which visibly upset him, he stopped kissing your neck and brushed the tip of his nose against your ear.
"Please don't."
He whispered and wanting him to continue you listened. You let all your natural sounds harmonize with the jazz in the background and the quiet water splashing as he started kissing your neck again. Your hand slowly placed itself on his on the edge of the tub, softly tracing over it before he spread his fingers and let yours lock in with them. Your other hand snapped to the back as he intensified his kissing, intertwining with his hair, sometimes tugging on it, sometimes pushing his head closer to your neck. As he went on kissing your neck his lips found their way even higher, he brushed some smaller hair away before kissing you right behind your ear. What was unexpected to the both of you was your reaction, though. Not only did you moan again, louder than those heavy exhales before, you also gripped his hand tighter as well as his hair. He chuckled before kissing you on the same exact spot again, getting a similar reaction. His beard made your neck tingle while his lips continued sucking on your weak spot. This man is unbelievable, you thought, how could you have survived all this time without him? You also knew you probably couldn't live anymore if he were gone.
"God, Raymond."
You whispered in a shaky voice as he kissed you one more time behind your ear. He chuckled in a lower voice as he pulled his head back, making your hand pull out of his hair, and leaned against the wall of the tub again. You were utterly confused on why he stopped all of the sudden, you began to think it was you calling his name, but why would be stop then? Your hand still locked in with his felt his thumb circle over it gently. You were so overwhelmed with how to respond, should you lean back against him again, should you turn around, was this the sign to get out? The hand that held your hair was now resting on the other edge of the tub, but it didn't stay there for long. It moved to your side before pushing it back, pulling you against him again. So leaning back it was. You relaxed against his chest again and still felt his hand on your side. You smiled as you saw it resting on your waist, gently brushing over your skin.
"How did i go so long without you?"
He whispered into your hair. You laughed quietly as he spoke your thoughts out loud.
"We should get out the water soon. I don't want you to catch a cold."
You agreed even though you wanted to spend just a little more time in the tub with him. You got out first and grabbed one of the towels from the cupboard right next to the tub while Raymond followed you closely. You wrapped one of the towels around your upper body while Raymond wrapped it around his lower body, already letting the water flow out the tub. After he had unplugged the tub he quickly walked over to the towel cupboard, grabbing a smaller towel before walking over to you. He gave you the sweetest smile as he lifted it to your hair and started rubbing it dry. His hands carefully rubbed it all over your head while holding his famous, intense eye contact again, you just stood in front of him, watching him with love in your eyes. After he was done and your hair was only a little damp still he rubbed the towel over his own hair a couple of times before hanging it up. You were already putting on your pjs before quickly putting some lotion on your skin, he was throwing on some boxers before starting to brush his teeth. The air was still warm and humid while you both stood next to each other brushing your teeth, smiling here and there. After finishing up he opened the bathroom window and let the air refresh. You were already leaving the bathroom as you felt a big, warm pair of hands on your side and knee caps before you were being lifted up. You giggled as he kissed your forehead, caring you into the bedroom.

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