Chapter One

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Chapter One: Ava's POV

I grumbled, exhaling a deep breath as my brother Josh shoved me out of my warm, cozy....blissful bed.

"Get up lazy pants you're going to make both of us late!" he yelled, the sound ringing through my ears.

"If you don't stop yelling soon, I'm going to personally sew your mouth together!" I threatened, while reluctantly lifting myself out of bed.

Ugh. Another year, another school. I was grown accustomed to the constant moves, but that didn't change the fact that I hated it. I only wanted one thing, and that was to live a normal life. My parents ran a very rich and populated business. My brother and I had no say whatsoever if we wanted this life. We were basically thrown into it.

"Sis, you ready yet?" my brother asked, while waiting at the wide, glass doors of our house.

It was one of the nicer houses we've lived in. It resembled a mansion, with 37 rooms and a giant pool in the field of a backyard we owned. Most teens would love it, but they didn't get to see behind the scenes. Behind the broken family, and hardships. Sure, it was better than being dirt poor, but at least they were surrounded by people who they knew cared for them, and loved them. That person, to me, was Josh. We were always there for eachother, through thick and thin. It was our unspoken agreement.

"Yeah, yeah. Coming." I mumbled, while grabbing my bag and lunch.

Josh led me to the new car our parents bought us. I guess they thought giving us a car would somehow make everything okay. Well, it didn't. They hardly ever visited, too caught up in making money. We were just like set backs to them; at least it felt like that.

"Ready?" Josh asked, while seating himself on the smooth leather of the brand new Ferrari.

Sighing I answered, "Guess so."

Ten minutes later, we cruised into the vast parking lot, littered with fairly posh cars. Not to worry, none of them had anything on ours.

Josh unbuckeled his seatbelt, "It'll be okay. We've done this plenty of times, right Ana? This time will be no different. Remember, keep your head down, fit in, and don't cause any trouble." he cracked a smile, "Who am I kidding, you'll be just fine!" he finished, giving me a light pat on the back.

He was right. I've done this plenty of times, and it's always stayed the same. I blended in, never attracted attention or got caught in drama. I was in invisible, and I rather liked it that way.

Josh and I strid through the halls, going our seperate ways. Glancing around at all the different people that were shoving to get to their classes, I noticed one thing. No matter where I went, highschool would always be the same. There were two types of students. There were the ones that were eager to finish their studies and move on to larger areas of their lives, and then there were the ones who only focused on their social life. Parties, drinking, drugs. That was it for them, no backup plan. They did everything in the moment, not giving a second thought about where their future was headed.

Bet you could guess which type of student I was? Yup. I was the type who had my whole life planned out for me. I've only been to a party once, and that's if you count a birthday. Some might find that shocking, but to me it didn't matter. I never stayed long enough to care.

I was so engaged in my thoughts, that I didn't notice the disaster that was just waiting to happen infront of me. I tripped over my own shoelace, sending me flying forwards and hitting the ground with a hard slap! All my books were scattered on the over crowded highscool floor. Incase you thought that was the worst possible thing that could have happend, you're to be proven wrong. It just so happens, that the hottest guy alive happens to witness my wipeout. The whole thing.

To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.

He stalked over with a devious smirk playing on his plump lips, his piercing green eyes making it hard for me to focus.

"Hey clumsy, need help with your books?" he asks, kneeling down next to me, some of his toussled brown hair falling into his eyes.

My cheeks seemed to heat up, causing my face to turn a dark shade of red, "No, I'm fine thanks." I mutter, before picking my books off the ground, and brushing myself off as if nothing had happened.

Before I could make my escape however, a tight grip on my elbow restricts me from moving farther away. "Wait, what's your name?" he asks, seeming genually interested in my response.

"Ana, Ana Brooks." I reply.

"I'm Jacob Hernandez." he greets, shooting me a grin. It was almost indescribable how he went from good looking, to strikingly hot. His white teeth adding to his already god-like appearance.

By this point the bell had already rung, the hallways oddly vacant.

I was late! I hated being late, especially on my first day... Shoving my thoughts aside however, another question arose in my head.

"Where do you belong?" I asked Jacob, keeping in stride with his steps.

"In your bed, babe." he teases, wriggling his eyebrows.

Oh please! Total perv...

"No, stupid! I meant with the jocks, nerds-" I started naming off examples, until he cut me off.

"Most would put me in the same boat as players, but I prefer the term...badass. It seems more suited." he explained, nodding his head in agreement to his words.

I kept quiet, processing everything that happened merely in a matter of minutes. How was it, that I managed to already mess up? I earned myself a new nickname, 'Clumsy.' However, all that made up with the presence of Jacob. I didn't like him...I was just, maybe, attracted to him.

Those were totally two different things.

"And Ana, you know what's the one advantage of being a known badass?" he asked, biting his lip from the urge to smile.

He started making his way closer to me, stopping until we hardly had any room left between us, "What would that be?" I managed to choke out, frightened by how close he was.

"They always get the girl," He whispered, grazing his arm across mine, and making his way to his own homeroom with an evident smirk stuck on his lips.

Ugh, the jerk. I just wanted to....what? What was it that I wanted?

Even if it took everything in me, I wanted to prove him wrong.

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