Chapter Nine

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Ana's POV: Chapter Nine

I was running through the woods, away from something. Someone. The night sky above me glistened with stars, giving the woods an erie glow in the moonlight. With each step I took, I felt my heart pounding louder and louder, drowning out the noises around me. My hair was flinging wildly, blinding my sight from time to time. 

I didn't know where I was going. 

Confused, lost, and scared. I started shaking, rough tears slid down my cheeks, blurring my sight. I raised my arm up, and wiped away the wetness, the warmth that swarmed my cheek. 

"Stop. Running." the person behind me whispered out, scaring me senseless as a scream erupted from my lips.

As instinct kicked in, I tried running away, but something cut me off. More like...someone.

They reached out, blocking me from escaping. I heaved out an exhausted sigh, slumping down onto my knees, the rough twigs and rocks leaving marks on my legs. I gave up. There was no where to go, no where to escape.

I didn't even know how I got into the woods, or even where I was.

My hair hid my face in shadow. I was too focused on keeping my eyes away from my attacker's that I hadn't noticed that someone was infront of me, kneeling. It was someone I knew fairly well.

Their arm rested on mine, eyes full of sincerity and clarity. As if they knew what I'd experienced, when in reality they didn't know anything. Truly, they didn't.

Another set of footsteps rushing towards me snapped me out of my sorrow filled thoughts. They were heavier, crushing the dirt underneath them. When they noticed that there were two people crouched on the ground, their footsteps seemed to slow, coming to an abrupt halt behind me. 

"Ana..." the voice whispered, tender, as if I would break into pieces.

At this, my eyes fluttered towards Jacob's, who was still kneeling infront of me. He gave me a reassuring nod, barely relaxing me. My heart clentched when I heard them call me name, tears once again stinging my eyes. 

Although my knees were weak, and my body felt as if It were ready to crumble, I still managed to lift myself off the welcoming ground. Turning only slightly towards my brother, Josh, I gave him a glimpse of what my emotions held. Worry.

Not being able to look at him anymore, I felt the need to get away. To start fresh, wherever, just somewhere away 

As I let my feet carry me away, Josh's screams got more abrupt. He yelled my name "Ana!" again and again, getting louder and louder each and every time.

I ignored, it was all I really knew how to do.

That was until I was forced to turn around. I didn't know why I did it, I just...had to. I really wish I hadn't, because what I saw wasn't welcoming in the least. It was terrible, horrific. But it was what made me run back. Back towards everything I wanted to run away from.

I felt a surge of energy pumping through me, the adrenaline so hard it made my ears vibrate. Jacob was held in a head lock, at knife point by unfamiliar men. Josh was held by the arms, his mouth covered by another grown man. Both were struggling to get free, but it was useless.

The man holding Jacob was ready to slit his throat, causing a strangled scream to echo through the woods. My scream. 

Something flew infront of me, knocking me to the side. As everything went black, I still managed to hear Josh's muffled voice calling my name in the background. 

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