Chapter Seven

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Ana's POV: Chapter Seven

All throughout class, I honestly had no idea what the teacher was talking about. It was like everything she was saying entered one ear and left the other, leaving me confused and extremely bored for about an hour. The only good thing about this class, was Jacob wasn't in it to bother me, or make me change my mind about anything. He was just too damn convincing.

"Miss Brooks, would you like to tell the class the answer?" my mathematics teacher asked, her faded brown hair falling away from her face as she adjusted her old fashioned glasses.

"Ugh..." I whispered, feeling the embarassement start to show in my now burning red face. I started fidgeting with my hands, trying to drown out the faces of the rest of the class as they looked at me as if I were some freak. I wasn't...I just had no idea what I was supposed to say!

The teacher was looking at me expectantly, snapping her fingers for me to hurry up. I was about to give up when someone tapped my shoulder. Under their breath they whispered "The answer's 467."

Without turning back to see who just saved my arse, I fumbled out the answer. "Um, it's 467."

The droopy, annoyed look on her face lifted a fragment as she formed a smile. "Good. I knew you had it in you!"

I sighed in relief as she continued her lesson. From behind me, something moved as I felt a rush of air tangle in my hair. "You owe me one, Brooks." the voice said.

I turned my neck towards the source of the voice, to realise that it was actually Andrew who saved my butt. "You got it, Boyce." I whispered back, giving his hand a shake before turning back around.

That's exactly how I spent the rest of my period, along with another one after that, and another after that one. I still kept zoning out, but I tried hard to at least pick up several words that the professor mentioned incase I got called on. Eventually, when that last bell rang dismissing everyone, I was about to explode of joy. Going home and sitting on my couch, telling Josh about my day sounded like the perfect idea to me.

Trudging through the halls, I met up with Claire as she exited her classroom. "Hey girl! Are you alright after what happened? I was worried sick when I saw you run out!" she gushed, her big eyes full of concern as she dragged me away from the large crowd of people.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm hoping everyone can just forget about it." I exclaimed, following behind Claire as she led me out towards the parking lot.

"In California, no one just forgets about it, Ana. The truth is bittersweet, but you'll have to deal with it. No matter what, I won't be leaving your side anytime soon...and by the looks of it, neither will Jacob." she added, her eyes sparkling in amusement as she scanned over him.

He smirked, walking towards me as if the world revolved around him, and no one else. "How's it going, Clumsy? You ran out on me, earlier." he chuckled, the sun reflecting off his leather jacket.

"Fine. I'm just perfect." I spat, crossing my arms stubbornly across my chest.

He grit his teeth together at my reponse, "Alright, then. We'll talk some other time."

I sighed, realising how stupid I'd seemed just a second ago, "Wait, Jacob. Look, I'm sorry... it's just, I'm not used to all this attention. I guess I'm just freaked out, that's all."

I stood infront of him, Claire by my side, her grin larger than the sun. I felt natious as he thought over it. My stomach dropped when I saw him shake his head without a single emotion written on his face. "You're right. It's better if you leave me alone." he whispered, his green eyes glinting with something. What was it? Sadness?

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