Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Ana's POV ~Lunch Time~

"Is it true? C'mon tell me, Ana!" Claire begged, tugging on my elbow like a desperate little girl.

I grunted, turning to face her in my seat, "Why do you want to know so bad, it's not that big a deal..." I whispered, tucking the stray hair behind my ear. 

She's been like this for ten minutes now, begging to know why I had been talking to Jacob. Honestly, I had no idea he was so popular. If I did, I sure as hell wouldn't have bothered talking to him, which brings me back to point A: Why was he even talking to me?

"Oh my god! You did! What'd you talk about? Ana!" She shrieked, her arms flailing in all directions as she automatically jumped to a conclusion.

"Nothing really. What do you know about him anyways?" I asked, ignoring the fact I'd just answered her question.

She gasped, shocked and whispered "Well, there are rumours going around about Jacob beating people up at night, stealing cash...he's got his business stuck in a load of shit. Everyone tries to avoid him, but he hardly even notices most times. Even the jocks don't bother talking to him! Yet, see those girls over there-" she asked, pointing to a group of high polished 'populars' dressed with the newest clothes and makeup, all clustered together eating their lunches- "they never seem to take the hint, thinking that he's actually interested in them. That's a load of bull if I say so myself..."

Scoffing, I nearly choked on my sandwhich "What's the big deal? He's actually pretty nice." 

"No way! You like him don't you?" she yelled once again, gaining a couple odd looks from the students seated around us.

I felt my cheeks flush at her accusation, "No! I would never like him in that way. He's just a friend, I guess." I shrugged, taking another bite of my sandwhich.

"Oh, there he is, go talk to him girl!" she whispered, grabbing my arm and trying to lift me out of my seat.

Oh, please ignore me...please ignore me....

"There you are, Clumsy!" I heard a husky voice state, placing his lunch on a tray next to mine.

Turning around reluctantly, I opened my eyes revealing the god before me. "Ah, nice to see you too, loverboy!" I teased, cracking a faint grin.

"You have to stop calling me that..." he grumbled starting to devour his pasta. Yum....

"Only if you stop calling me clumsy!" I bargained, running my fingers through my shoulder length hair in an attempt to stop myself from fiddling.

"Not gonna happen anytime soon, then." he whispered, sending me a wink.

"So...I think I'm just going to...leave now." Claire exclaimed, pointing her arm towards an empty seat next to some random student. 

Just then I realised the shocked stares I was getting from everyone in the cafeteria. Even the nerds stopped their Pokémon game to see what had happened. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, as I stared back, subtly taking nibbles of my bread. 

Trying to keep my voice a low whisper, I bent over asking, "Why's everyone staring at me like that?" 

Apparantly, I hadn't kept my voice low enough when someone yelled out "Do you even know who you're talking to right now? Lucky bitch..."

Picking my stuff up, I stood up from my table, trying desperately to ignore the envious looks I was getting. I didn't need this attention. Following Claire's movement, I trudged over to her, taking a seat with the kid I had history with. What was his name again? Drew? No, Andrew!

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