Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Jacob's POV

"Off. Get your hand off." Ana snapped, pushing my arm away.

Her eyes gave off a dangerous vibe, like she was hiding something, and I was only minutes away from figuring it out. Why was she trying so hard to be invisible? Everyone already knew about her presence, gossip spreads fast.

"Sorry," I mumbled, forcing myself to leave her alone. It was obvious that she didn't want me near her. After all, I was trouble. If I were her, I would have left the minute I met myself. I didn't want her getting involved in my life, she didn't need it. It was a complete accident that I'd bumped into her yesterday, but at the same time, I was glad I did.

I was satisfied to know that she wasn't the person I thought she was.

Jogging through the halls to my next class, my thoughts kept wandering back to Ana. Why was that? I was Jacob Hernandez, I never stuck to one girl, it wasn't the way I played.

"Mr. Hernandez, you're late. Detention!" my homeroom teacher yelled, the vein on the side of his neck throbbing violently while he scolded me. I almost couldn't compose my laughter as his brown wig started dancing around on the top of his head. Never gets old...

Nodding my head reluctantly, I slowly made my way to the detention room. Damn, I spent most of my life in that room, but I still managed to recieve good grades. I needed them if I wanted to graduate this year. Sure, my social life was just as important to me, but I needed the money. The usual way I made my cash wasn't legal, and sooner or later I was going to get caught. Then what? It would be over. Everything I worked for would be gone.

I pushed the door open, revealing the usual. Rows of vacant seats and desks, all guarded by the worlds stupidest teacher. Meet Mr. Kale, one of the most gullible people I've ever met in my life. I was grateful for the school's choice however, since he was the reason I got out of detention so easily. Most of the time I'd end up outdoors ditching.

"Hello, Mr. Hernandez, nice to see you again." He greeted, not bothering to even look at me. Yeah, that's exactly how often I get detention.

"You too." I grumbled, taking a seat in the far back.

"What brings you here today?" he asked, placing the book he was reading down on his desk, causing a loud boom to erupt through the usually quiet room.

"I was late." I answered, laying back in my chair as it started making the usual creak of protest.

"Responsibility, Jacob. You need to learn it." he states, trying to stand up from his desk.

Regardless of his usual daily activity, which wasn't much, the man still resembled a pig. His double chin and high nose giving away his true identity. Honestly, if they hired some hot babe of a teacher to watch over the 'troubled students' as they call us, more people would actually stay around for detention.

"For today, and today only, I'm letting you off easy. Think of yourself lucky that I'm in a good mood." he exclaims, bending down closer to my face.

I started getting creeped out as my brain kept telling me to get away. "Leave." he instructs, making his way back to his usual seating arrangement.

Good mood my ass, that man wasn't hard to please. The words, 'Here boy, cookie! Get the cookie!' were enough to get him going.

Chuckling at my insane thoughts, I made my way out to the parking lot where I left my motorcyle. Running my arm down it's sleek black paint, I couldn't help but remember Ana freaking out on it, and then nearly passing out. Yup, I was definitely doing that again.

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