Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Ana's POV

I wasn't sure where Josh was, but wherever he went, I needed him, and needed him now. No matter how much I loved Claire, my brother was my brother. I needed to talk to someone who I knew and trusted, and of all people that had to be Josh. 

My mind wandered through how he hadn't asked if I was okay after what happened in the cafeteria. He used to be the first by my side when something of that sort what changed? 

I sighed, maybe I really was overthinking things. He was probably at the very back, hanging out with his group of friends and not giving a second thought about the drama that spiraled throughout grade eleven. Even though I'd tried and thought over different possibilites of why he hadn't noticed, one stuck in my brain...what if he wasn't even there?

If not...where was he?

I slumped against the rough, splintered wooden bench as I watched everyone else start leaving with their friends, and some alone. I couldn't help but notice how everyone knew where they were headed, what they were going to do next, and me? I was sitting on a rotted bench thinking about my brother, after I'd been humiliated infront of the whole school....including Jacob, who decided against being my friend.

Looked like my school year had started on quite a joyful note...notice the sarcasm.

I ran my hands through my tangled hair in exasperation. Rubbing my eyes in one quick movement, I blinked several times as I started to regain my normal vision once more. As the blur started fading, I noticed a faint silhouette of someone standing infront of me. 

Startled, I jumped back, If that was even possible while seated on a bench, which made my back slam painfully into the wood, including the metal that attatched it all together. I heaved out a large grunt as I felt the pain coursing through my sudden injury. 

Immediatly, the figure stepped forward, a hand reaching towards me as they whispered "Oh crap! Sorry Ana, I didn't mean to scare you, I swear! Are you alright?" 

I sighed immensly as I realised it was only Andrew who'd scared the living daylights out of me. I was so close to just flipping over the other side of the bench...I could just imagine everyone wondering 'Oh look! Crazy new girl from lunch learnt a new stunt!' how pleasant...

Rubbing my head, I croaked out "Fine thanks." quickly before shifting my gaze back up towards him. 

His black hair was toussled, probably from pulling at it just a moment ago. His eyes stil held a hint of worry as they pierced through me. Unlike Jacob's they were brown, and unlike Jacob's held no effect over me. 

It's only been a couple hours, and look! I'm already thinking about him! Ergh that jerk, trying to sneak in my head, confuse me, irritate me...I won't have it!

"Ana, hellooo?" Andrew cooed, waving his arm infront of my face as realisation washed over me. 

"Sorry...zoned out." I whispered, blushing slightly in embarassement.

His soft features lifted as his demenor relaxed a tad. "Do you need a ride home? You've been sitting here for quite a while." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head while I thought over his suggestion.

"Do you have a car?" I asked, begging he'd say yes. The last thing I needed was to ride on another motorcycle. I swear, those things were made to kill!

"Ugh, yes? How else would I get you home?" he chuckled, a grin replacing his momentary frown.

"Good. I'm in!" I giggled, lifting myself off the bench as I heard a crack of protest come from my back. Damn, that had hurt a lot!

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