Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Ana's POV

I cautiously stepped into my homeroom, eager to blend in, but with no such luck.

"Ah, Class, this our new student! Give a warm welcome to Ana Brooks." The man supposedly running the class introduced. He was a short man, possibly in his 40's. He was clean shaven, and...well, bald. His head was shiny, the light in the room practically reflected off his head.

"Hi," I mumbled, not daring to look up from the ground.

When it came to introducing myself, I wasn't the best. Especially infront of a group of teens.

In response, I got a couple waves and smiles, which I saw from the corner of my eye. "Miss Brooks, you may take a seat next to Claire." The bald man instructed, pointing to a friendly looking girl with fiery red hair, and freckles. Her braces and glasses made it clear that she wasn't the most popular chick here.

"Oh, hi Ana! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Claire whispered, a goofy grin showing off her different coloured braces.

"What do you mean? People knew that my brother and I were coming?" I asked, trying to find the true meaning of this.

"Oh, of course. You're like automatically popular here, I can't believe I actually get to meet you!" She squeeled into my ear.

Okay, Claire was nice, but she needed to stop doing that!

"Popular...? Why would I be popular?" I mumbled, shaking my head. In all the different schools I've been to, this has got to be the weirdest.

"Well, see, since you're parents run one of the most rich businesses around here, it's hard not to know who you are. Good thing you aren't a snob. You're actually nothing like the populars here, which is a very, very good thing." She blabbed, never shutting her damn trap.

"Huh, alright. Well, nice meeting you Claire." I said, giving her the warmest look I could pull off.

We spent the rest of the period listening to the bald man talk on and on about some lesson I wasn't really paying attention to. I knew I should have, but I just couldn't bring my brain to concentrate on one thing, and Jacob wasn't helping with that. More than once in the lesson, he crossed my mind, which really annoyed me.

Sooner than I had realised, the bell rang, dismissing everyone to their next period. I grabbed my books, heading back out to the narrow hallway with Claire. We exchanged schedules, intently scanning over which classes we had together. I decided that nothing bad could  come as having her as a friend. I needed a friend, and she wasn't the type to do bad things, so I approved.

"Yes, we have next period together!" she squeeled, nearly dropping her books from excitement.

Looks like Claire didn't have too many friends...

She dragged me along behind her, pushing and shoving through crowds of people until we reached our next class. I gingerly entered the room after her, trying not to look at the teacher. I didn't want to be introduced more than once, it was more than enough.

Unfortunatly, my luck just wasn't in my favor today as the teacher caught my eye immediatly. Unlike my homeroom teacher, this one was a young woman, late 30's with dyed blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She seemed really nice and friendly, which I was very relieved about.

"Hello, nice to meet you Ana, I'm Mrs. Bruet. It's very nice to have you in this class with us. Mind introducing yourself?" she asked.

Well, since she asked nicely...

"Um hello everyone, I'm Ana...and yeah..." I mumbled, peeking a glance at a single person who was silently chuckling from the back.

Snapping my head towards the noise it was no surprise that only someone so rude would laugh at someone so shy.

Jacob was looking back at me with his eyebrows raised in question.

Ugh the jerk...I just want to rip his stupidly good-looking head off....whoaa Ana, violent much?

"Miss Brooks!" someone yelled from behind me.

I turned myself to face Mrs. Bruet's, who was giving me a disapproving look. "Well, since it seems as if you and Mr. Hernandez seem to be getting along so well, why not take a seat next to him." she suggested, leaving me no room to argue.

I shot a worried look at Claire who shrugged her shoulders, taking her own seat next to what seemed to be one of the populars. Her fake blonde hair, and dark tan giving her away. Slut.

"Nice to see you again clumsy," a voice teased.

Sighing, I responded, "You too, jerk."

He started chuckling, a deep rumble which escaped his perfectly shaped lips, "You know, you're funny, Ana."

I cracked a sarcastic smile, "Why thanks, I do try."

I didn't know why, but when I was with Jacob, I didn't feel nervous. Of course there would be a down side to that though, since the urge to either kiss him or hit him always surrounded me.

Half way through the lesson though, something flew and hit my head. I responded with an "Ow," even though it didn't hurt.

Beside me a voice mumbled, "Never knew paper could be used as a weapon..."

Ignoring the comment, I unfolded the crumpled piece of paper, revealing lines of scribbled black printing.

It read: Want to ditch after lunch? -J

Shaking my head, I scribbled back: Do I look like someone who likes to ditch to you? -A

Aiming it carefully at his head, I chucked it. Turned out my aim was better than I had expected, since if hit him straight in the forehead with a Thwack!

Turning around he hissed "What the hell was that for!"

Smiling innocently I responded, "It's payback for earlier."

We were boh cut off when another voice yelled, "Mr. Hernandez! Miss Brooks! Detention, now!"

Okay, now I was seriously pissed. I got detention, for what would be the first time. Ever.

"What, for what?" I yelled, the frustration getting the best of me.

"For talking in the middle of a lesson, and now yelling at a teacher!" she shrieked.

I swear, I would have argued back if it wasn't for the jerk who pulled me aside, whispering that it was fine. "It's just detention...chill." he mumbled, walking me to a very unfamiliar room just around the corner.

"What? JUST DETENTION? I don't get detention!" I yelled, angered at how my day was turning out so far.

"Okay listen, we could still skip, it's better than sitting in a room for two hours." he suggested.

I pondered it, thinking over my options. Indeed, he was right. Why spend two hours of useless work, if you could sneak out and do whatever you want?

Sure, it wasn't like me to think that way, but it was different. Possibly even...a risk?

I really hated to admit it, but being good was getting boring; I needed a change. Was Jacob Hernandez, the badboy, really the change I needed?


A/N Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!

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