Chapter Ten

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Ana's POV: Chapter Ten

I stalked back into my room, and I couldn't help but notice a faint headache forming. Rubbing my temples, I heaved a sigh as I tumbled across my bed. Finally, some peace and quiet! I snuggled into my bed sheets, as I felt the warmth from them spreading across my body. Untensing, I got so comfortable I started losing conciousness, and instead I let myself get the sleep I never got last night.

It felt like a second later when I heard the front door slam shut, and then a pair of angry voices screaming outside. Cursing, I reluctantly dragged myself out of my comfortable position, and towards the slightly open window I'd forgotten to close. I let the warm breeze fan across my face as I began to stir back to reality. 

"I'm not letting you in!" I heard Josh yell, his voice rigid.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'll leave Ana to do that." I heard Jacob whisper harshly. 

I saw him start to back up in my line of vision, until his green eyes fluttered up towards mine. Shocked, I stumbled back in an attempt to hide my figure. I was still in my pajama's, my hair resembling medusa's with a bit of dried drool stuck on the side of my mouth. Disgusting. 

Wiping it away aggressively, I snuck underneith my window, waiting for Jacob to leave.

Please, please, please god! Grant me this one request and let him leave...he told me he didn't want to be friends anymore, so what happened to that? I wasn't letting him go that easy!

"Ana! Ana, please, listen. I need to talk to you. Let me in, you're douche of a brother won't move his ass." He sputtered in a pleading tone of voice.

I could have done many things in that moment, I could have let Josh drive him away, but honestly would that have been the correct decision? He might never come back, and I would wonder what if. What if I had let him in?

"Josh, just let him in." I exclaimed, the curtains from the window shielding my face.

I heard Josh's gruff grunt as he opened the door. Both of them escaped my eye vision as they walked into the house. The creaking from the living room let me know that Jacob had made himself comfortable. Only moments later, Josh yelled out "Ana, if he tries me. I don't want you getting hurt." 

I snorted. "Really, Josh? The only person who's been hurting me you. If he tries anything I've got a gun in the kitchen, no worries."  

"I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to yell out your plan B infront of the person you're using it on." Jacob huffed, rolling his eyes in amusement. "You're too weak-hearted to shoot me anyways." 

I sat on the first step leading downstairs, just enough for me to see Jacob's face. "Is that a challenge?" I whispered, raising an eyebrow in question. 

"Only if you take it as one." he chuckled back, ignoring my subtle threat. 

"Ana, be careful. I need to get to school, call me if you need anything. Please." My brother exclaimed, not waiting for my reply as he shut the door harshly. 

Out the still open window, I could hear his car's engine revving out of our driveway. 

Just Jacob and I now...alone. In the same house. This by itself seemed to scream out trouble.

I hussled into my clean clothes, simple faded blue jeans, and an black oversized sweatshirt I'd stole from my brother's closet. I pulled my tangled, long, brunette hair into a messy bun to make it seem less dirty than it really was.  

I felt flustered by the thought of the two of us together alone. All that changed however, when I snuck a look at him....and realised he was hurt. Earlier through the window, I'd been too far away to notice the delicate bruise marks that appeared on his cheek bones. They were a dark mix of purple and blue, which matched his swollen red lips. I wasn't an idiot, he'd gotten into a fight. 

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