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The sky grew more and more brighter with each passing second. And each human around them grew weaker each passing second. Most were already lying on the ground either dead or close.

They couldn't give up yet.

Not when they were so close to defeating Muzan once and for all. But the sun was about to rise. They could be in danger. Should they risk it and leave the rest of the job to the demon slayers in order to survive?

A sudden wave of panic filled Kokushibo as he saw the first morning sun rays peek. He ran behind a building to be safe from burning in the sun, expecting Tanjirou to run after him.

But the younger demon didn't.

The boy knew that the sun was rising and that he was going to burn, but he still continued to fight.

"Tanjirou!" Kokushibo shouted after the boy.

Tanjirou had heard him, it was obvious. But he ignored him. He only gripped his sword even tighter and rushed after Muzan.

Kokushibo is only able to watch as the bright light begins to burn Tanjirou. The boy screeches, but doesn't run.

"Just stop that!" A female hashira screamed at Muzan, as she ripped Muzan's arm off with tears running down her cheeks.

Ever single human present was injured. Not many would survive.

Kokushibo managed to catch a glimpse of Tanjirou's expression. The boy looked furious. There was nothing but deeb hatred towards Muzan in Tanjirou's red eyes.

"This is your end, Kibutsuji." Tanjirou growled.

The sun continued to burn Tanjirou and Muzan. Muzan tried protecting himself with a flesh barrier, but it was no use-

Tanjirou stopped burning.

The sunlight stopped burning his flesh, his injuries healed. Everyone who saw it stiffened and stared with widened eyes. It should be impossible. Yet here he was, standing in the sunlight, complitely unharmed. Unlike Muzan, who tried reaching out to gain Tanjirou's new power, but still continued to burn.

The demon king burned in the sun while reaching towards a demon who did what he could not do. And the demon stared back at him with the pure intention of bringing the demon king to the grave.

The demon's apprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now