Black And White Trailer

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You are our first creation...The Sion Of Permanence...Imbibitor Lunae...

Dan Heng:...Imbibitor Lunae the successor of the brother gods, commander of the clouds and the rain, was tasked with watching over the humans and Faunas and keeping guard of The Domain Of Light where the god of light's home but in reckless arrogance, he invoked the Transmutation Arcanum, but let's start from the beginning.

Dan Heng: During the brother god's reign the brother god of light wanted to create life while the brother god of darkness wanted destruction both had different viewpoints on things they enjoyed as the older one The God of Light spent his day creating water, plants, wildlife while the little brother watched what the older brother made in disgust and to counter what his brother did, the god of darkness brought drought, fire, famine all he could to rid remnant of life.

Dan Heng: But life always returns so one night the younger brother made something...something that shared his desire to destroy anything and everything...the Grimm. knowing that their feud can't go on like this forever proposed they make something they can be proud of...together their Masterpiece.

Dan Heng: This last great creation had the power to create and destroy, gifted with knowledge so that it could learn about itself and the world around it and most importantly given the power to choose to have freewill to take everything it learned and choose...the path of light or darkness and that is how humanity came to be or that is what is told.

Dan Heng: In the book of myths one of the books that is popular in Remnant and that the Faunus admire is called "God's First Creation" he is The Sion Of Permanence...Imbibitor Lunae. Creating humans wasn't easy as the brother gods first made Imbibitor Lunae who wasn't meant to be created as the gods made a mistake in the process of creating humanity. In contrast, the God of Darkness did not take pity as tempted to destroy Imbibitor Lunae. In contrast, The God of Light took pity and stopped his little brother and decided to take Imbibitor Lunae as his guardian and make Imbibitor Lunae his guardian and protector of humanity.

Dan Heng: Many people would see Imbibitor Lunae and create many stories and myths of many other dragons as well as many started stories which created and gave Imbibitor Lunae the title called The Sion Of Permanence as It begins with seeking the answer to existence and on that path, the revelation of the permanence was unraveled then came the emergence the Long's Scions. Many would make their beliefs of a giant dragon that oversaw the turning of day and night and the changing seasons sheltering the lives within and many would question could the revelation of the Permanence signifies the relentless pursuit of individual immortality which will only breed an unending multitude of malevolent creatures such is the fallacy of the Plagues Author.

Dan Heng: So this leaves the question does the Permanence represent the continuance of the bloodline which of course is Imbibitor Lunae as he ensures the mortal realm to keep watch over The Faunus and the human as he also ensures the safety of the world? Alas, Imbibitor Lunae forsook his oath to The God of Light in his arrogance causing a state of great disorder as the brother gods had made a decision they decided to shackle Imbibitor Lunae in a seal for his arrogance and for invoking the Transmutation Arcanum.

Dan Heng: From this perspective what does the Permanence's revelation of Imbibitor Lunae being gone truly signify... As the sun and moon rise and fall, the world undergoes continuous change. So, the concept of "stability" is meaningless. Countless new creations by the brother gods emerge when one creation meets its end among the morning sun for Imbibitor Lunae, this is the true teaching of the Permanence. Within the cycle of life, any endpoint may mark the inception of a new journey and for him, it is no different even in those shackles.


???: That's never happened at all who even wrote this book about me I wasn't even arrogant at all I was forced into the seal.

???: Dan Heng are you done reading the book I lent you to read?

Dan Heng: Oh sorry, Blake I got so interested in the story no wonder many Faunus love Imbibitor Lunae he was the first Faunus to protect Faunus and fight for them and many saw him as a hero huh?

Blake: Yeah... you can say I loved this book more than other books and I even have all of the books about Imbibitor Lunae's journey till the end... he encouraged a lot of faunus to fight for their rights and he also inspired me as well when I was little.

Dan Heng: Well with what the white fang has been doing and it doesn't look well on people eye's Blake It will only cause more destruction than equal rights for the Faunus.

Blake looked down on the floor with a sad frown on her face as Dan Heng went up to her and patted her head softly Blake looked up at him while she was blushing a bit.

Blake: W-What are you doing!?

Dan Heng: isn't this comforting or am I doing something wrong?

Blake didn't stop him from petting her for some reason it felt right and she did owe him for saving her from a pack of Beowolves that were in the forest after she ran away from Adam on the train after she defected from the White Fang. The first meeting was tense as Blake saw he was a human and she thought he would do something, but to her surprise, he didn't even know who The White Fang is, so she was safe for the time being and his skill with his spear is so beautiful and deadly that her eyes couldn't follow his movement with it.

Dan Heng: So we are heading to this Beacon Academy for what exactly not that I don't mind?

Blake: We are going to join Beacon Academy for a new life and also to undo what the white fang has been doing. All the years of working for the white fang I wanted to undo it in some way by becoming a huntress even if it's a little it's a step forward.

Dan Heng looked at her and thought about it as he was unsealed only for a day and where was he supposed to go he had no one until he met Blake so wherever she went Dan Heng would follow till the end.

Dan Heng: Well then let's head out sunrise is almost here and the campfire isn't needed so lead the way, Blake.

Blake nodded as they were now headed to Vale where they will attend Beacon Academy. Dan Heng was so interested in the new world that had gone under development that he would know a certain someone would have been telling him to smile more in the past with other friends that he once hung out with after their adventures.   

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