The Emerald Forest P.2

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At the Cliff

Glynda Goodwitch had her scroll in her hands as she walked up to Ozpin with news.

Glynda: "Our last pair has been formed, sir. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along still, he's better off than Ms.Nikos."

Ozpin: "Hmm." Ozpin looked at Glynda with a side-eye.

Glynda: "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat." As Glynda then turned off his scroll "I guess we'll have to find out soon enough. at their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes." Glynda was walking away as she then turned around and asked Ozpin a question. " Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?" she got no response "...Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Hmm" as he was looking at his scroll as he looking at the live footage of Ruby, Weiss, and Dan Heng as he was looking at Dan Heng with most interest.

Ozpin: "That boy he looks too calm and his eyes seem more used to the chaos and his semblance...that water control is very mastered and in control and his spear skills are also in the league of a master." Ozpin thought that Dan Heng was different from the others.

Back to Weiss, Ruby, and Dan Heng at their location

Weiss: "It's this way." as she walked to the right then she turned back to the left "I mean...This way! It's definitely this way." she then walked back to Ruby who was on the ground while Dan Heng was waiting by a tree with his eyes closed as Cloud Piercer was around his hands.

Weiss: "Alright, It's official, we passed it!" Ruby got up from the ground while Dan Heng opened his eyes and looked at the both of them.

Ruby: "Why can't you admit that you have no idea where we're going?"

Weiss: Because I know exactly where we're going! We're going to...the Forrest Temple!"

Ruby: "Ugh!"

Weiss: "Oh, stop it! You don't know where we are either!"

Ruby: "Well at least I'm not pretending like I know everything!"

Weiss: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Ruby: "It means you're a big stupid jerk and I hate you!"

Weiss: "Ugh! Just keep moving."

Ruby:*Imitating Weiss* "Oh, just keep moving! Hurry up! Wah, watch where you're going! why are you so bossy?"

Weiss: "I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that."

Ruby: "Stop treating me like a kid!"

Weiss: "Stop acting like a kid!"

Ruby: "Well stop acting like you're perfect!"

Weiss: "I'm not perfect! Not yet. But I'm still leagues better than you."

Dan Heng: "You may say that but, you also lack many things including patience and your temper and also your leadership, and who knows you may act arrogant but it will get you killed as well."

Weiss: "Wha- you-"

Dan Heng: "If anything with your arrogance you won't amount to anything."

Dan Heng then walks past both Ruby and Weiss as she is in shock at what he just said to her.

Ruby: "Dan Heng wait for me!" as she ran towards Dan Heng not before sticking out her tongue at Weiss.

Weiss: "Real mature."

As Weiss followed behind them.


Yang and Blake made it to a broken-down temple that had chess pieces on them.

Yang: "Think this is it?"

Blake looked at her and then back at the temple as she walked towards it as Yang followed behind as they go their Blake and Yang looked around as they saw-

Blake: "Chess Pieces?"

Yang: "Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here."

Blake: "Well...I guess we should pick one."

With Jaune and Pyrrha

Both Jaune and Pyrrha were staring at a cave.

Jaune: "Think this is it?"

Jaune and Pyrrha were now exploring the cave with a torch that Jaune was holding.

Pyrrha: "I'm not sure this is it..."

Jaune:*Sighs* Pyrrha, I made a torch. Could you at least humor me for maybe 5 more feet?"

Jaune then trips on the floor as the torch falls from his hands to the ground and the torch flame burns out.

Jaune: Ow.

Pyrrha: "Do you feel that?"

Jaune: "Soul-crushing regret?"

Pyrrha: "No...It feels warm."

The little water dragon in Jaune's clothes starts growling silently as a very near enemy is close.

Back with Yang and Blake at the temple

Yang was looking around and then stopped at one of the chess pieces, a knight she then grabbed it.

Yang: "How about a cute little pony?" As she waved the knight piece around.

Blake: "Sure."

Blake walked up to Yang, and Yang smiled as they were finally almost done with this initiation and could meet up with Dan Heng soon.

Yang: "Well that wasn't too hard."

Blake: "Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find."


Jaune and Pyrrha keep walking through the cave still and now without a torch as they come across what they thought was a "Relic" they need to find.

Jaune: "That's the relic!"

Jaune then moves his arm to grab the "Relic" as it moves back a bit.

Jaune: "Hey! Bad relic!"

As Jaune tries to grab it again the "relic" moves again from Jaune from being touched as Jaune then tackles and grabs the "relic".

Jaune: "Gotcha!"

Pyrrha: "...Jaune..."

Then a giant Grimm appeared Jaune looked at it as a girl's scream could be heard through the forest.

Yang: "Some girl's in trouble! Blake, did you hear that?"

As Blake was looking at the above as she was using her bow as a disguise for her cat ears she thought she heard it right and looked above at the sky.

Back at the cave

Pyrrha was running for her life as Jaune's screams were being heard the giant Grimm went through the entrance as it was a Death Stalker and Jaune was holding on to its stinger.

Jaune: "Ahhh! Why? Ahhh! Pyrrha!

Pyrrha then turned around as she looks at the Death Stalker as it was moving Jaune around as he was screaming.

Jaune: "Pyrrha! This is not the relic! it's not! Ahhh! Do something!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune! whatever you do, don't let-"

Pyrrha was not able to finish as the Death Stalker threw Jaune into the air with its stinger into the forest.

Pyrrha: "Go..."

Pyrrha turned around and she had her spear out as the Death Stalker hissed at her. Pyrrha scratched her head and smiled and ran fast as leaves were in the air.

Back with Blake and Yang

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? what should we do?

Before Blake could answer there was screaming in the air as it was Ruby who was falling and was about to hit the ground.

Ruby: *Screaming* "Heads up!"

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