I really really really really really really like you!! - Part 2/2 🫂

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{A few weeks have passed and Rody just got off his shift}
Third Person POV
As the waiter biked down the familiar street, his mind couldn't help but wander back to Vincent. .

The way that raven-haired man always had his attention on Rody, how his voice melted the light-haired man's heart, how his Boss's lips would part ever so perfectly when he spoke, how his slender fingers would ever so gracefully work at the task at hand, and oh was Rody so star struck.. As much as he wanted to deny it, the employee had fallen in love with his employer. I mean could anyone blame him? It was Vincent fucking Charbonneau!
It was wrong though, they were both men and forbidden from loving each other... Well, they could do it in secret, but would Vincent return those same feelings? He was the waiter's boss if the Chef of La Guele de Saturne was found having a relationship with his staff! Oh how the media would destroy the bistro or even Vincent, Rody couldn't stand for that!


Vincent had just locked up the bistro and was blending his dinner, which mainly consisted of whatever he could find in his fridge that would give him at least an ounce of vitamins and maybe a lemon for "taste". It was already pretty ironic that the renowned Chef couldn't taste but owned a bistro, but looking at his reviews seems to prove that he could make great dishes even without knowing how they taste! However, one thing he couldn't put his finger on was Rody, the only person he'd met who said his cooking wasn't good.. No matter what Vincent had made for him had always ended with the same result, it was missing something.. Love... When that first came out of Rody's mouth the raven-haired man thought it was a joke, but as the silence crept in Vince knew that it wasn't... I mean how are you supposed to incorporate a feeling into a dish?

*Whatever..* Vince thought as he poured the smoothie into a glass before chugging it all down in one gulp, much to his dismay. Ever since he had burnt off his taste, eating had become a chore for him. Most people can savor the taste and embrace every single part of the dish with some kind of emotion, nostalgia, warmth, joy, you name it! All Vince could do was feel the texture as he sank his teeth into a flavorless sponge, and just chew until the food was small enough to swallow.
Vincent sighs as he starts to clean up the sludge of what the hell he even made, but he can't help but think back to that clumsy waiter of his... The way his smile brightened the whole room, whenever he would mess up he made a little plea, and Vince could go on and on. He quickly snapped to reality and just shook his head in disapproval of his thoughts, gay relationships were highly frowned upon. The bistro would be under major fire if the media caught the Chef even holding hands with his waiter! At the same time, Vincent didn't care much about his reputation compared to Rody... He just groans before going to his bedroom and lying down; where he just stays there thinking.


Rody walks into his now clean-ish apartment, it's not sparkling but it looks livable in everything is labeled and organized. He plops himself onto his couch before lying back and wandering in his thoughts, again...
He couldn't possibly be in love with Vincent, he was a man! A very gorgeous one at that.. WAIT NO OFF TOPIC!

Rody decided to pick himself up and try to see what he was feeling. and he knew exactly who could do the trick.


The phone rings
"Rody if this is you again, nothing will change my mind-" Rody quickly cuts off Manon
"No no, it's not like that at all! I need your help! I like this guy and it's just getting all racked up in my brain, I mean don't I sound crazy!?"- R
"I get what you're saying... So you're like into guys now?" -M
"That's the thing! I don't know what I feel right now.."-R
"Well, what I would do if I were you is to confess your feelings towards him, from what I can tell, I think you just fell in love with this mystery man oooooo!" -M, she giggles at the last part
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear the last part.. Thank you a bunch Manon, I knew I could count on you!" -R
"You're welcome, and I'm glad to hear that you've moved on, I wish you a farewell Rody.."- M, and with that, the line ends.
Instead of feeling empty, Rody places the phone in its holder before sparking into action and biking to the nearest shops.


Vincent is snapped out of his thoughts by a soft knocking at his front door, *who could possibly visit me this late..* He slowly approaches the door, grabs the knob, twists it, and pulls the door open; revealing a well-dressed Rody, a red rose bouquet in one hand, and a lemon tart in the other.
"Wha- Is this some stunt you're trying to pull right now?" — Vincent crosses his arm, using one leg to support himself against the doorframe.
"Actually I wanted to give this to you.. After all you've done for me, over the recent few days I've developed this feeling... I don't know how to explain it but you just make me feel so special, I can never get enough of your touch, your attention, and just you in general! I love you and I don't care what anyone would say !" —Rody blurts out before getting extremely flustered, waiting for Vincent's response.
Vincent places a hand over his lips as he processes what the waiter just said.. he possibly didn't hear that correctly, right? His eyes meet Rody's, and with one look he knew this wasn't just some joke, he meant it...
"Rody I.. I'm sorry" — Rody immediately felt a pain in his chest, something from inside had just cracked and it hurt bad.. And before he knew it, he felt tears starting to fall from his eyes and streaming down to the floor.
"No... I understand I should've just kept this to myself, you shouldn't feel sorry." — Rody then turned around, hiding his face away from Vincent as he continued to sob.
*Fuck it..* Vincent thought before grabbing Rody's chin and pulling him into a kiss, much to the waiter's surprise.
The two started to melt into one another's embrace as they slowly came closer and closer to each other; their hands never leaving the other's body, afraid they'll disappear any second.
Vincent was the first to pull away before parting his mouth once more, — "I love you too.."


{I'm thinking of re-editing this later since I did rush towards the end, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Please give some tips on how to give my writing more shape, etc!}

Also, am I invited to y'all's Dead Plate Birthday parties, I gave a happy ending 🥹

Word Count- 1,203

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