!! Annoncement !! [not a chapter]

275 11 25

I apologize but I have to announce that, unfortunately I need to take a week break, nothing I bad it is just I have finals on the way... I really need to take this time to focus on my education and health, I may post one story but I really don't know depends on what my score is.. Honestly I really appreciate the support given for my work and I love seeing and replying to everyone's feedback, and I can't wait to see you all again, especially some of my new viewers and idols. Thank you for all of this! <3
Reminder to get a Vincent Plush before it's too late !!!
I may start writing more smut since those get a lot of views, but I want to try to make another angst to balance out all the fluff I've been writing first! 😜

Dead Plate OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ