Ending 5? 🫂

327 5 16

Third Person POV


Day 7
The door swung open as Rody walked into the back alley and immediately hopped onto his bike; a still figure watched from the bistro's kitchen. The waiter had just quit.. and not even with a notice, had he really lost his mind? Vincent was stunned, to say the least, I mean the man practically begged to be hired and now he just rides off!? The audacity from that guy! The chef groans and closes the door, he glares at the cooks and signals to them to clean up for the night. Each cook nods and hurriedly grabs cloths to scrub off their stations and the dining room; Vincent goes into his office, and grabs an umbrella, before escorting all the remaining employees and locking up for the night.


Rody frantically punches in a familiar number into the pad then picks up the phone, it rings out a familiar tune, and the ex-employee continues to wait for an angelic voice to finally come through.
The phone picks up and it seems like there is finally hope until the man is quickly interrupted, "— Hello! I apologize but I am not able to speak at the moment, please call back at a later time! Thank you!!" — a buzz fills the silence, the ex-waiter cusses under his breath but you can't always get it first try, right? He punches the number in again and again; repeating the same process over and over again.
Seconds pass.
Seconds become minutes. .
Minutes become hours. . .
Rody grits his teeth unable to grasp reality, he worked so hard to finally take his soulmate out and now she's not even here to see it. No no, he came so far he can't give up now..! He taps in the same number and listens as the phone rings, only to be met with a buzz. He sets the phone down and it feels like his legs crumble below him as he slides down to the floor, streams of tears flowing down his face. A slight noise of splashing on the glass could be heard in the phone box, the ex-waiter looked outside only to see the rain pouring from above, great.. He would have to bike in a storm, adding a bitter ending to his night, what luck... Well might as well head out now before the storm gets too bad, Rody wipes his face and picks himself up. With a slight push, the phone box's door opened and he stepped out but oddly no water had fallen on him, Rody looked up to only see the bottom half of an umbrella. Wait what?? He looks to the side to be greeted by a familiar face, Vince! The chef turns his head to the side trying to avoid eye contact with the other man and signals that they should start going, he starts to walk in which Rody follows.


Both men find themselves in Vincent's apartment, the raven was currently drying off his umbrella while the other tried to hang their coats.
"You know you didn't have to do that for me, right?"
"Well if you won't appreciate my kind gesture I can put you back out there..."
"That's not what I meant !" — Rody watches as his former boss chuckles, he couldn't help but feel like he was being thrown around like a rag doll. The two head to Vincent's kitchen where the chef pulls out some utensils and ingredients while his guest sits down on a nearby stool; he begins to melt some butter in a pan, and then mixes flour and milk, he then brings out a pot where he stir-fries vegetables and meat with butter, before pouring water and letting it boil, he then poured in the sauce with some chicken stock and finally pours a scoop of the soup into a bowl. With a smooth slide, he serves the dish to Rody, who happily takes the offer and starts chowing down, the raven gives the other a glance before cleaning up his station.
"Mmmh this is really good Vince! It's not as bitter as the leftovers.." — Rody mumbled the last part to himself in hopes that the other didn't catch it. (Luckily he didn't !!) He watches as the pale man turns off the stove and sits next to him, "Aren't you going to help yourself to a serving too?" — Vincent glares at the waiter, "Oh right.. Well, suit yourself then!"


Fog greets Rody as he steps out of the shower, he grabs a towel nearby and dries himself off, careful to not drip any water onto his host's tiles. He then grabs a neatly folded pile of clothing, that Vince had let him borrow for the night, and gets dressed. Surprisingly the material was silky smooth, I mean it makes sense when you really think about it, the chef was rich he could afford to buy Rody's whole complex without a dent in his wallet! After dressing himself, he makes his way to the bedroom where he is greeted by the raven reading a book, that's when he notices something unusual. There were thin frames sitting on the man's nose, wait..
"Vince, you wear glasses!?" — Vincent glances up, "Yes, but they could be a bother when cooking so I usually don't wear them much in the bistro."
The ex-waiter was stunned within the week he was working for the other, he had not seen that man ever mention or use glasses... whatever..
"So uh where do I sleep, I can't really bike home..."
"Sure you can, you'd just get soaked that's all.." — Rody gives an unimpressed stare at the other, "You may sleep in my bed tonight, I wouldn't want you to wake up with bad posture in the morning."
No complaints there, he quietly walks towards the other side of the mattress before settling himself down under the covers.
"You know, you really shouldn't be doing all of this for a girl right?"
"But she is the one! She is my soulmate and I do not doubt it! ... wait are you just trying to get me to take back my job?"
"Perhaps but what are you even going to do at home all day?"
"I guess you have a point..."
"You start again on Monday then."
"Great.." — Rody sighs out before turning his back away from Vincent and falling into a deep slumber.


"God damn it, Lamoree, why couldn't you just be with me instead..." — Vincent mumbles out, he then turns to the side, reaches out to his lamp, and with a click the lights go out.
The rain outside seems to mute itself as the chef gives his waiter one last look before turning away and dozing off. ♡

Ahh, how I love one-sided Rodicent 💕, this was a pretty short chapter but I thought through it instead of rushing.. I am slowly picking back up my schedule, and I do see people's requests I just need some time to organize it so please be patient! Thank you so much for reading my one shots, really some of these could be stories but I am just too lazy to make one ...
Oh and by the way the soup recipe is an actual recipe, you guys should definitely try it out but I must say that I didn't specify the seasoning but really just make it to your taste, I love black pepper and like red chili flakes, so I usually use that! 💕
I love you all and again thank you so much for all the support !! 🥳

Word Count — 1,263

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