Just one more glass ~ 1/1 💋

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Third Person POV
Rody had just handed a gift bag to some guests as they exited the restaurant, leaving the dining room empty. The waiter already knew that the lunch rush was slowing down, so he decided to go on break and take out the trash early.


As he picked up the bag from the garbage bin and headed out to the back, Rody couldn't help but shift his attention to a familiar raven-haired man leaning against the bistro's wall with a cigarette in his mouth. The faint smell of smoke bothered the poor waiter but he decided to just deal with it and tossed the bag into the dumpster before making some small talk with his boss.
"Vince, how come you always are smoking? Don't you know how bad that is for your body?" -R

Vincent scoffs and pulls out the cigarette before blowing a puff of smoke into the waiter's face much to his dismay, "Why do you care? I'm old enough to make my own decisions now Rody.. Besides this isn't your business to be poking around, I can handle myself and the consequences of my actions..."
Rody coughs as he tries to wave the smoke out, "No need to be so rude, I was just trying to give you an opi— *coughs* an opinion..Don't you ever think about quitting?"
The chef just rolled his eyes and sighed, "No, and I don't need to listen to my own staff's opinion over my personal life, that's like if I was barging into your love life.."
"Ouch... you didn't need to say it like that." -R
"It's only the truth..." -V
"Whatever.. hey uhh Vince?" -R
"What now Rody?" -V
"Are you free this afternoon?" -R
"I suppose I am.." -V
"Well I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out and chat over some wine tonight.." -R
"Is this your way of asking me out on a date?" -V
"W-what!? No! It's nothing like that I swear!" -R
"Mmh.. how disappointing, I would've said yes either way" — Vincent then drops the cigarette to the ground before stomping on it; extinguishing the flame. He gives one more glance at Rody before pushing past the waiter and heading back into the bistro, leaving the now stunned man to collect his thoughts..
'Did I just hear that correctly?"
The waiter had to push his thoughts back since he didn't want to get fired, and with that, he ran back into the bistro and tried to finish up his shift...


The two men were the only ones left in the bistro, tidying everything up for the next morning.. Rody decides to break the silence and opens his mouth, "So Vince, are you still up for a chat over some wine?" — Vincent looks up from the counter that he was scrubbing, "I have nothing better to do tonight, so I suppose so."
Rody couldn't help but let out a little "Sweet!" before smiling back at his boss, who could only just look at him before letting out a little chuckle at Rody's enthusiasm.
"Wait.. Did I just make you laugh !?" -Rody couldn't believe his ears, HE MADE THE COLD CHEF LAUGH!
Vincent continues to chuckle, and the waiter can't help but feel his heart thump even louder as he admires the other man's smile...
"Hah.. who would've known that out of everyone, I laugh from my waiter. How surprising, I would've thought it would be one of the cooks." -V
Rody felt mildly offended, he could make jokes and has made many people laugh in the past! Whatever... he couldn't stay mad at the raven-haired man for long, not with his heart yearning for that man.
"We can close up and head to my apartment upstairs, I think I have some wine that we can share for the night.."-V
Rody just nods as he tries to clean every table as quickly as he can, the faster the better, he told himself...


Vincent unlocks the door to his apartment, welcoming Rody in and shutting the door right behind them before heading to a wine cellar and looking at all the bottles.
'Red wine.. white wine... they all felt the same to Vincent, but he did prefer the dark color. Red wine it is then.'
The chef quickly picks up a bottle and two wine glasses before making his way to his living room, he pours the wine and sits down on the couch; handing his employee one of the glasses.
Both men take a sip before starting up a conversation. . .
[use your imagination on what they spoke about cause I don't know either 😝🙏]

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