Maybe in Another Universe . . . 🫂

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Third Person POV
La Guele de Saturne stood still as the night prolonged, a faint noise of scrubbing could be heard from the kitchen... There stood the head chef, he was cleaning the tiled floor with a sponge and some cleaning alcohol; the red from his dear waiter's blood was slowly washing off. He then stood up before washing the cloth, putting away all the cleaning supplies, and then sat himself in his office staring at a plate. If somebody were to look at it they would've thought it was steak, but oh would they be so wrong... In fact, it is the same waiter that served them just the prior night, Rody Lamoree, sickening to think about. Who could possibly do that to somebody?
The pronounced chef, Vincent Charbonneau... He did it..nobody would believe that, his charm and attitude has them around his fingertips. Even if somebody saw the whole thing and reported it, the police would think that's absurd, Vincent had a high reputation he wouldn't even hurt a fly.
The pale man stares at his creation, smiling in pure amusement,
"Perhaps this could've ended differently, maybe in another universe..." — He then proceeds to take a bite, only to spit it out due to the odd texture of human flesh.


"VINCE !!" — The raven-haired man was abruptly awoken and immediately runs to the commotion, only to find his partner holding a strange box. God how Vincent loved that man, his goofy smile, his messy hair, he could go on and on... With a quick shake of his head, he clears those thoughts and walks up to the other.
"What is this Rody?" — He raises an eyebrow before crossing his arms and leaning slightly back, leaving one of his legs to support his weight.
"Well you know how I usually take morning walks?" — Vincent nods, "On my way home I heard something rustling through the alley.. and well it's hard to explain..." — Rody scratches the back of his neck before setting the box down, opening it, and pulling out a puppy and kitten.
The pale man's eyes widen slightly before he immediately grabs the kitten right from Rody's hand and snuggling it close to his chest. The waiter couldn't help but feel a little jealous but laughs it off as he watches how happy his boyfriend was, it was precious ! The cat purrs as the chef runs his fingers in its fur, cooing at it as if the kitten was a baby of his own.
"Did you check if they had an owner?" — Vincent says in which Rody thinks for a few moments, "I looked and there weren't any leashes, posters, or anyone nearby so I'm assuming that they don't have one."
The raven-haired man just shrugs before setting the kitten down, much to its dismay, and makes his way to the kitchen to cook breakfast. The waiter follows behind, sets down the dog, and wraps his arms around Vincent.
"Soooo do you have any ideas for their names Vince?"
"No not yet, I'm not quite good at naming things..."
"I'll do the honors then!"
"Go ahead my love.."
"Uhhhh you can be Beau and you can be... Citron!"
[Authors note: Beau is the dog and Citron is the cat]
"Did you really just name our cat Lemon?"
"Yea! I thought you'd like it!!"— Rody smiles and hugs Vincent tighter before placing a small kiss on his cheek.
The chef could only chuckle as he mixed up some ingredients to form a batter before throwing in some blueberries, and pouring it into a pan.
Rody watched as bubbles start to form at the top, "Can I try to flip it this time?" — Vincent gives him a hesitant stare before nodding and moving out of the way for the waiter to have more space to move.
Once the top starts to bubble up, Rody lifts the pancake with a spatula before flipping it so the cooked part would face up. He smiles to himself before looking over to his boyfriend, the chef had an impressed expression plastered on his face.
"Well done my love!" — Vincent smiles as he makes small little claps to applause the other man, Rody smiles back before placing his focus back on to the pancakes.


The two are sitting at the breakfast bar, the waiter happily digging into his plate while Vince combed through both of their pets' coat.


Thank you so much for all of this !!

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