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I woke up this morning with the worst headache. My God how many drinks did I have last night. I really hope I didn't do anything stupid. 

"LANA!"Aubrey said barging into my room. 

"What?"I replied rubbing my eyes awake before sitting up. 

"Look at this."Aubrey said before showing me the video. 

It was a video from the live Ice was doing and she accidentally showed Paige and I. Paige had her hands on my waist and I was holding her face. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!"I yelled grabbing Aubrey's phone. 

"All the Paige fans are going crazy right now and making edit of y'all!"Aubrey said laughing. 

"Oh my God. I need to go to Paige's dorm right now. I'll be right back."I said leaving the dorm not even waiting to let Aubrey respond. 

I finally made it to Paige's dorm and knocked on her door. 

"Oh hey Lana!"Paige said opening the door letting me in. 

"Have you seen the video!"I said. 

"What video?"Paige asked. 

I then pulled up my phone and showed Paige the video. 

"Shit."Paige said scratching her neck. 

"Yeah."I said. 

Well this is awkward. 

"Well weren't we drunk."Paige said. 

I laughed a little. 

"What are we gonna do?"Paige asked. 

"I mean there's nothing we can really do."I replied. 

"I can make an insta story telling everyone were just friends."Paige said. 

"No, no you don't need to do that."I said. 

I do NOT want her to do that. Because today I really want to ask her out. I know I just dropped that on y'all but yeah I wanted to do it today so that later today when we get to Italy, MAYBE we could be dating.

"Okay."Paige said slipping her phone back into the pocket smirking a little .

"Well I'm gonna go. See you later!"I said. 

"Alright. See you later."Paige said before licking her lips. 

I can't she's so fine when she does that it's not even funny anymore. 

I made it back to my dorm and told Aubrey what happened then Aubrey and I packed just a few more things. 

Time skip*

Everyone made it to the airport and now were just sitting waiting to board the plane. I have been thinking, if I want to ask Paige out I should probably do it in like 15 minutes. 

"Do any of y'all want a coffee? I'm going to starbucks."I said. 

"Yes please"Nika, Azzi,Paige and almost the entire team said. 

They all told me what they wanted and I was putting all there orders in my notes app because there is no way I can remember all these orders. 

"Paige you should probably go with Lana so that she can have help carrying the drinks."Nika said with a suspicious smile on her face which made me a little nervous even though she's not even talking to me. 

Paige then looked at me with a look on her face asking me if she could come with me. 

I then tilted my head to the right signaling Paige to come with me. 

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