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Back to Lanas POV*

I woke up and saw Paige sleeping next to me. She has her cheek rubbed up against her pillow and clearly wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon. Or at least that's what it looks like.

"Paige."I softly whispered in her ear.

She didn't wake up.

I then went back to my side of the bed and grabbed my phone.

"Hm?"Paige said opening her eyes to look at me still laying down with her head of her pillow.

I looked over at her and smiled.

"Do you want to sleep some more?"I asked.

"Mhm."Paige said before closing her eyes again and curling herself up next to me.

Awwww I can't.

I played with her pretty blonde hair as she just slept peacefully next to me.

I'm still not over the fact that I'm dating Paige. I mean I'm genuinely so happy. Not because she's popular, but because of how sweet and caring she is. I mean how could anyone beat Paige's level of kindness. 

"Okay i'll wake up now."Paige said getting up as I did the same.

"You wanna go to starbucks?"Paige asked.

I was following behind her but I feel really dizzy. My vision is going blurry. I then fell unconcious.

Nobodys POV*

Paige quickly turned around when she heard Lana fall.

"Lana?!"Paige shouted getting on the floor next to Lana putting her hand on her soft face looking into her eyes.

Lana didn't respond.

Paige quickly grabbed her phone from in her pocket and called 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Hi...uh my girlfriend just passed out and I don't know what to do. Please send help!"Paige said trying not to let out her tears.

"Help is on the way now. Just stay with her"

Paige stayed silent and just continued to be there next to Lana. 

Soon enough the paramedics came in and got her

Time skip to when there at the hospital*

Paige texted the team grouchat and told them what happened and the ones that were able to come over did. Which was Nika, Azzi, and Aubrey.

"Paige?"Lana questioned and looked around to see that she was in a hospital.

"Your okay Lana, just relax."Paige said giving Lana a soft and comforting smile.

"Why am I here?"Lana asked.

"You passed out and went unconscious."Paige replied while gently grabbing Lana's hand and began to hold it while rubbing it with her thumb softly.

The doctor then came in and updated Lana and Paige.

"Lana you are diagnosed with a disease called Vasovagal syncope. If this happens again just make sure you lay down on the floor and raise your legs up. I know that sounds embarrassing to do but trust me you need to do it."

"Okay thank you."Lana replied.

The doctor then left the room.

Lana looked over at Paige as she just sat next to me holding my hand still.

"Paige I don't want to be diagnosed with a disease."Lana said.

"I know, I know. But now you know what to do if you do feel like you're gonna faint."Paige said in a comforting tone of voice.

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