Chapter 2|Assignments

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"Shut up!" Y/N's father barked. Y/N flinched. "I don't care about all your fantasies!" Y/N slumped and rolled her eyes as she turned away from her father. "Oh, and Christopher wants to go to this Pizza place.. take him." Y/N smiled brightly. She got to take her brother to a restaurant!

"Chrissy! Are you ready? Dad said I could take you to that new place." Christopher ran out of his room and hugged Y/N. "Yes! You're the best sister ever! Let's go." Y/N stepped out of the house with Chris' hand in hers and hopped into the limo out front. She was still slightly in shock. For one, her father's letting her do something fun out of the house without having to work for it, and two, it was a pizzeria. Filled with kids. And carbs.

The limo came to a stop and Chris shoved his way out. He started squealling. "Y/N! Y/N! Look at this!" Chris' face was pressed to the window, fogging the area around him. 'There's animals!" Y/N peeked in and grimaced. They were definitely... something. Ugly-somethings.

Y/N stepped inside and the smell of greasy pizza, sweat, and tears flooded her nostrils. Christopher was bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Alright, Chrissy. Just... Go play. Let me know when you're ready for food." He nodded and dashed off toward the arcade. 

Okay, Y/N thought, I'll just.. order something. She cautiously walked up to the counter. "Hi, do you have anything that's not more grease than actual food?" A girl, around Y/N's age, shook her head. "Nah girl, all we have is greasy pizza. Some of the teens that have a job here probably sprinkled drugs in the dough." Y/N blinked a couple times. "Joking! Yeah, we have salads. Want one?" Y/N ordered and payed. "Thank you."

Y/N spotted Chris in the crown and waved him over. "Here, take this 10$ and get some pizza. I'm gonna make my way to a booth." Chris nodded and dashed to the counter Y/N was previously at. She started walking over to the booth but a force slammed into her, getting the salad all over her shirt. Shit.

"Whatch where you're going, bitch." She looked up to Michael's death stare. "Are you serious?! You were looking down and slammed into me! Do you have any idea how much trouble I'm going to be in? This shirt was incredibly expensive!" Michael rolled his eyes. "Boo-hoo brickface. Is Daddy going to take away your limo?" Y/N shoved past him with tears in her eyes. He has no idea, She thought.

Soon Chris and Y/N went home, and she was absolutely dreading it. Who knows how father would punish her? Sleeping in the basement? Cleaning the whole house? Hitting her?

Y/N was silent. "I'm sorry." Chris randomly announced. "Why, buddy?" Y/N put a hand on his as he looked down at the floor. "If I didn't ask to go, you wouldn't have ruined your shirt... It's not fair how Daddy and Mommy treat you this way." "Aww, Chrissy, it's not your fault at all. It's Michael's. He bumped into me."

They arrived back to the house and Y/N put a brave face on. She walked in with Chris tailing behind her. "Y/N M/N... What the hell happened to your shirt?!" Her father yelled as soon as she walked in. Welp. "I give you the chance to go outside and have fun, and you repay me like this?! What a disgrace!" Y/N looked down. "I'm sorry, Michael slammed into me! It was an accident!"

"Ah blaming the other one I see? No food for a week."

"What?!" That was a new one.

"Don't talk back!  Sit down!" Her father pointed to a chair and sat down.

"I need to speak to you about something," Y/N nodded, "I need you to get close to this Michael kid. It will be an arranged marriage. We need the money, and his father is well-conected."

Y/N eyes bugged out of her head. "That?! That, thing?! Father you can't just sell me off like the olden days! Does Mother know?" Y/N shouted, panicked. She never in a million years wanted to to get close to Michael, much less marry him. "NO, and were going to keep it that way. The only people that know is Mr. Afton, me, and you now." Dave stared at Y/N and squinted his eyes. "Now go change. If I see you get near food I will take away your bedroom privlages."

Y/N obeyed and changed into something else in her room. "Why do I have to marry him? He's not exactly prince charming!" Y/N aggressively threw her dirty clothes into a laundry bin and laid face down on her bed.

Next day

"Y/N, sweetie! I hired you for a babysitting job!" Y/N groaned and stired in her bed. "When?"

"Now. They're here."

Y/N shot up. Her hair was a rat's nest and had make-up smeared all over her face. "What?" She screached. "I'm not ready! "Better hurry!" Her mother chuckled. Y/N raced across her room brushing her hair and wiping make-up off. A little knock sounded on her door. "Hello Miss Y/N? Your momma told me to come up here. It's Elizabeth and Evan!" 

"Come in!" Y/N panted. 

The two smaller kids she had met earlier trampled in the room, tripping over each other and giggling. "HI!" Y/N chirped, a little too loud. Y/N took the kids downstairs. Neither of her parents are anywhere to be found. "So.. WHat do you wanna do?" The kids awkwardly shuffled. "It's supposed to be at our house, Miss." Lizzie said. "Oh! Sorry. Let's go... Is Michael there?" Evan nodded and shut his eyes tight suddenly but opened them back up. 

"You got trouble with him too, huh?" Even nodded slowly. You held their hands as you crossed the street to the Afton's house. Elizabeth rushed ahead after you crossed and opened the door for you. "Thanks Lizzie!" 

Incredibly loud and annoying music blasted through the house turned up to max volume. Michael, of course, thought he was home alone. "Michael!" Y/N screamed. The kids were covering their ears. Y/N stormed upstairs and barged into Michael's room. Surprisingly, he was... Sleeping?! Y/N unplugged the chord connecting the outlet and speaker and Michael shot up. "Hey! I was listening to that!" Y/N smirked. "I'm aware. A couple more seconds of that music and my eardrums would burst!"

"I'd like that."

"Haha, very funny."

"I'm aware," Michael mimicked, "Oh, and did you get in trouble for your ugly shirt?"

Y/N nodded. "Yes, I did. Thanks to you, I... have to sleep in the basement!" Michael eyed her like she was crazy and his eyebrows were raised. "Seriously? How bad are your parents?" 

"You're telling me that isn't normal?"

"What the hell, no!"

Y/N shrugged. "Well, quit playing that damn music. I gotta babysit you and your siblings." Michael rolled his eyes and shoved past Y/N. "I can't believe father thinks I need a babysitter. I'm 17!" 

"Y/N! Can you make up beans on toast?" Liz demanded as she tugged on Y/N's arm. "Sure thing." She headed to the kitchen and stopped suddenly. Liz kept skipping to where Michael was watching a TV show. Y/N didn't know how to even start to make it. "...Liz?" Y/N called. "NOT NOW I'M BUSY!" Rude. Michael lazily stomped into the kitchen. "Michael... How do you make 'Beans on Toast?" He snorted. "You're more American than I thought, bitch." She rolled her eyes as Michael got canned beans out of the cabinet and threw some toast in the toaster. "Thanks," Michael smirked. "You owe me one."

Michael shouted at Liz that it was ready and everyone headed to the living room and watched a weird show about a vampire. Soon enough, William and Clara got back, and Y/N got the green flag to head home. "Maybe that wasn't as bad as I thought babysitting was gonna be." 

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