Chapter 16| records

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March 23rd, 1983

Michael was actually handcuffed. In a police car.

I stayed with him, much to the officer's dismay.

They were being driven down to the station where both Michael and I would be questioned. William had gone to the hospital with Evan. Michael was crying the entire time, but it wasn't loud sobs like his siblings. It was silent grief. He had a straight face like he was serious, but the tears were still pouring.

The loud sirens and flashing lights in the police car intensified my headache. I leaned against the police car door, staring out the window. There was a thick tension in the air that you could snap- bad choice of words- slice- is that better? Cut with a knife.

They pulled to a sudden stop. The police officer, the nametag read Jimmy Parker, forcefully got Michael out of the car. It was hard to watch. Would Michael actually go to jail? Hopefully not.

"Miss L/N, please step out of the car. If you struggle we will not hesitate to put handcuffs on you."

I obeyed silently. We walked into the ominous building. I spotted Michael getting his mug shots taken, and my jaw dropped. This shit was serious.

I ran up to Michael, surprising the police officer. "It's not his fault! Is he going to jail?! Please it's n-" The officer pinned her hands behind her back. "It's okay, Y/N, I'll be home soon. Please go visit Evan for me. Tell him I love him." 

The rest was a blur. The station released me. They drove me to the hospital and took me to Evan's room.

It was mortifying. All of the walls were white and colorless. It made the room seem even smaller cramped and suffocating. William was sitting in a corner on the floor, rocking himself like a little child. Liz was crying loudly and trying to get William to respond, but he ignored her.

Evan looked rough. His whole head was bandaged and stitched. Most of the blood was cleaned off. Some were still on him. It made me want to barf and die at the same time. 

"Evan..." I whispered. "I'm sorry..."

The heart monitor was still beeping, thank the lord, but how long would it last?

30 minutes after I had arrived, Michael came in. He looked completely emotionless and empty. His eyes were a dull blue with no life at all. He wasn't crying anymore.

What were the chances that me and Michael would both lose our brother?

He walked over to Evan. "I'm sorry..."

William spotted Michael and glared at him with such hatred. William stood up and walked over to Michael. He made no effort to keep quiet.

"You dumb bitch! What a disappointment that you would murder your own fucking brother?! You're no longer my son. I'm kicking you out as soon as you're 18. Fucking retarded ass."

Michael started crying again. His hands were trembling with unfathomable greif. William was different, clearly this changed him. Liz looked in horror at her father.

Michael looked down at Evan. "I didn't- Father I didn't mean-"

Now he was screaming. "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING FATHER!" He slapped Michael.

"Mr Afton-" Michael didn't move so I moved him. William's face didn't soften when he looked at me. "Miss Y/N please get out of the way. Just because you aren't my daughter doesn't mean I feel any differently. Weren't you part of the goddamn plan?! Didn't you agree?! This is your fault as much as it is Michael's. It's your fucking fault Evan is almost dead."


He was right.

3rd person

Then Evan died. The heart monitor stopped beeping continuously and was replaced with a ring.

William shouted in anger and hit Michael again. This time he moved. Michael was absolutely shocked that William would do this to him. Not long ago, he was giving him girl advice. Teaching him, and loving him. That just added to the pain.

Y/N led Michael out of the room as William chanted something.

"I will put you back together...
I will put you back together...
I will put you back together...
I will put you back together..."










4 months later...


during summer break, this book will be on hiatus because Im not allowed to use my school computer over the summer. of course ill sneak it every once in a while when I'm home alone (how preppy) but mostly I wont update 😭

so I'm gonna write part one of the book and part twos gonna start in august on the 10th

sorry for the short chapter I was tired today

big time skip

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