Chapter 3|Confessions

74 4 19

tw: starvation?? choking

Collab with MARI546730

It had been three days since the first babysitting session, and Y/N had done a couple more. Most recently, yesterday. Everything had been going fine with Michael as she tried to avoid him. Less name-calling, for sure. So far.

She had one today, and her father told her to try to talk to Michael and make conversation. She rummaged through her closet and chose a denim skirt that went a little above her knees, a white sweater, blue hoop earrings, and an assortment of bracelets. She showered, brushed her teeth, put her hair into a high pony with some hair framing her face, and applied minimal make-up.

A small figure ran into Y/N's room. The padded feet make little thump sounds on the carpet. "Y/N! Can I come with you today? To see Liz? And Evan!" Christopher blurted out the last part a little too fast. Y/N chuckled. "Sure thing, buddy. Gotta warn you though, be careful around Michael." Chris smirked. "Your boyfriend?" "Heck no, I wouldn't dream of it!" Y/N rubbed her temples with her index fingers.

After breakfast and Chris getting ready, Y/N took his hand and they walked to the Afton's. William and Clara had just gotten into their car. Y/N flashed William a smile, and he returned it with a bright white smile as he winked. This made Y/N blush, though she did not like him, his smile was dazzling.

Elizabeth and Evan, Evan more reluctantly, jumped up at the sight of Y/N and Chris. Chris high-fived Evan and smiled shyly at Liz. Her hands were clasped behind her back, and she was slightly blushing with her cheek against her shoulder. She was maybe... 3 inches taller than Chris, so it was even more adorable than Y/N had anticipated.

Someone behind her gagged right in her ear and she flinched heavily, earning a groan from the said person. Her shoulder had smashed into something. "What the fudge man! Prolly got me a broken nose, bitch!" Y/N wanted to roll her eyes, but she really did just accidentally hurt him. "Sorry! Sorry, I'll get some tissue, Neosporin, and a band-aid." She half-jogged into the kitchen and sat next to Michael on the living room couch. He grumbled about him being able to do it herself. but Y/N ignored him and eventually finished patching him up. "Good as new! Well, as close to good as we can get with you." Y/N snickered. Michael ignored her and walked back to his room, with slightly more light footsteps than before.

So, here Y/N was. Alone. In the living room connected to the kitchen, stomach grumbling so loud Texas could hear it. She slowly crept into the kitchen and swiftly took a small bag of chips. Her mouth watered at the sight and she quietly as she could opened the loud bag. 

"Whatcha doin'?" Michael's head popped out from behind a corner and startled Y/N. "Ah! You scared me! You gotta stop doing that!" "It's slightly amusing."

"Y'know, you can take a bag of chips without asking. You're so weird about it. You seem hungry too." Y/N didn't respond, except to nod softly. "Is there any reason why... you're so... sneaky, about it?" Michael's gaze didn't shift to confusion, it was still a cold, blank stare.

The burning longing for food burned her entire body. She drank extra water, though her tongue was as dry as the Sahara Desert. Her hands trembled against the counter and she involuntarily felt tears building in her eyes. You try not eating for five days. 

Michael shifted uncomfortably. He didn't like open emotion. He awkwardly patted Y/N on the head. This almost wanted to make her laugh- but the feeling of starvation stopped her. Michael took a couple of steps back. What do I have to lose, she thought to herself.

"I can't eat. For a week. It..." Her voice cracked. "It's your fault, too." Michael looked at her with no pity in his eyes. "You're being dramatic.  I could totally do that." She sighed, exasperated. "Yeah, I didn't think you would care. I don't feel well... I'm gonna join the kids upstairs, okay?" Michael shrugged and walked away.

I unsteadily walked upstairs with the chips. Chris looked at me with slight horror and pity. I winked at him. He and Liz were on the floor playing with Barbies, her being Barbie and him being Ken. Evan sat on the bed watching the two. I sat next to him and he didn't move a muscle. "Chris has nightmares too?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly. "Yeah," I sighed, "You do too?" He nodded. The kids on the floor were oblivious, playing animatedly and fluidly. 

"Almost every night. I've basically memorized them." 

Y/N looked at Evan with sadness. The more she thought about it, the more she realized. Evan was always terrified. Especially if Michael was around. He'd tense up or excuse himself and leave. "It's about Fredbear. Each and every time. I don't know why Father has two diners, but I hate both." He was shaking now.

Y/N checked the time and realized she had to go home. Liz and Evan hugged her bye, but Michael was nowhere to be seen. 

Her dad wasn't home- praise the Lord, so she headed straight up to her bedroom. Much to her surprise was a little basket of some food. She smiled softly. It obviously wasn't her dad, and her mother didn't even know about the punishment, so it had to be Michael. 

The happiness and contentment sent her into a deep sleep. Weirdly enough, she had never had a nightmare before until tonight.

"Chris! Time to go home!" Y/N rounded the corner and suddenly slammed into a tall figure. It was a dirty yellow rabbit with a stitched-on smile. He moved frantically and seemed to be looking everywhere, though she couldn't see his eyes. He didn't budge from the place he stood, blocking Y/N from going any further. "S'cuse me, sir. Have you seen my little brother?" The bunny shrugged animatedly and seemed to be telling her If you come with me, I'll show you! She followed him to a heavy metal door labeled 'Safe Room' and skipped in after him.

 There was nothing out of the ordinary in the room until he shut the door. It seemed to have transformed. Kids' limbs were scattered across the floor. Y/N even saw an eye or two. Blood seemed to be the color of the wallpaper and the floor. Instead of screaming, she was silent. The bunny snapped, and everything started moving. The limbs climbed toward Y/N by themselves. She couldn't move. She couldn't talk. The limbs reached her. They choked her, ripping the inside out of her body, yet she was still conscious. She just stood and helplessly watched as they tore her apart like a completely fresh-done puzzle.

Then she awoke.

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