Chapter 4

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Ava's POV

We walked out of Friendly's with our bodies touching. I can see families looking at Jack and I. They were probably thinking: Who the hell takes a girl to Friendly's?

Honestly, I find it cute and gentleman-like. Which Jack isn't. Not the cute part. The gentleman part. Even though I technically forced him to go to Friendly's. Oh well.

Back in Ohio, it would be once in a blue moon if a guy took you out. It was either 'let's watch Netflix and 'cuddle'. Or 'let's fuck.'

Not lying. I wish I was actually.

We drove off back to the house as checked the time. It was 3:01 in the afternoon. Wow.

"Question my little Ava." Jack started a conversation that I hope will not end up both of us yelling.

"Ask away my little Jack." I retorted back as I smiled.

"What do you think everyone is thinking about?" He asked.

"Hmmmm well," I started as thought for a second.

"Addie is probably thinking about 'i wanna fuck evan peters'." I said.

"Rosie is probably thinking about 'dylan o'brien is so fucking attractive'." I laughed.

"Sammy is definitely thinking 'i want to fuck addie so badly'." I joked as Jack laughed.

"Nate, probably thinking 'when can we 4:20 it up'." I bit my lip after my remark.

"Johnson, probably thinking 'when is gilinsky gonna be home c'mon fatass'." I said.

"And finally, you are thinking 'she's wearing my flannel. can't believe she still wears that piece of shit'." I admitted as he abruptly stopped the car at a red light and turned to me.

"So that's where it was from!!" He gasped as I giggled.

"Yes. I wear it whenever I feel somewhat alone." I hugged myself smelling Jack's Calvin Klein cologne.

"It looks fucking amazing on you. You work it better than I did." He admitted as I smiled carelessly.

"Thank you Finny." I thanked him as I reached and kissed his soft cheek. I felt a warmth rising from his cheeks.

"YOU'RE BLUSHING!!!" I awed.

"No I am not." He seriously said as he took a right turn seeing a familiar road.

"Don't lie." I said.

"I saw your cheeks flush." I looked at him as his jaw was slightly clenched.

He parked the car as we both walked out. I turned on the song Preach as he looked at me like I was stupid.

"SHE KEEP IT WET LIKE TSUNAMI!" I sung out loud as I body-rolled.

"That's sexy." Addie yelled as I was startled at her presence.

"I try hehe." I high-fived her and walked in seeing 4 other boys sitting on the couch playing FIFA with Johnson, Sammy, and Nate.

I vaguely recognized the one who looked like a fucking chameleon. (no hard feelings man)

"Who's the chameleon?" I whispered into Rosie's ear as she was drinking a Sprite.

"Dillon Rupp. Ugh." She rolled her eyes and sounded disgusted.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I took out a Root Beer and stood next to her.

"Got my period. Bled through my white shorts." She frowned.

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