Chapter 1

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Sky's mom's name is Michelle. Her brother's name is Ethan and he is 16. Her sister's name is Letha and she's 14. Sky lives in a very small town called Riddle. It's located in the state of Oregon. It has a small population of only 1,000 people.

Sky's POV
"Mom where you at?!," I said. "I'm in the living room," Michelle said calmly. "I ran out of Nutella!!!," I said in a frustrated way. Nutella was the only thing that would keep me calm. I've always been depressed because I've been bullied my whole life. I tried committing suicide at least 3 times. I always cut every time I feel upset, depressed, or mad at myself. But Nutella keeps me from doing that. I take depression medication too. Every single day of my life. I sometimes purposely overdose on it trying to kill myself. But I stopped overdosing because I had Nutella. "You've had enough Nutella!" Michelle said. "Do you want me to die!!!!!?????" I said even more frustrated. "Ok I'll buy it but please don't try to cut or commit suicide again." Michelle said. "I won't as long as you always buy me Nutella, I'll be fine. Because Nutella is what keeps me alive." I said. "I'll be back in a few minutes, bye Sky!" she said happily. "Bye!" I replied.
Until then, I decided to take a bath. I took off all my clothes and got into the bathtub filled with warm water. I just needed to relax from all my issues and stay calm until my mom got back from the store. I looked to my right and I saw something I didn't want to see. Razor blades. As soon as I saw those things, they made me remember my horrific past.

Things I Love: Nutella and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now