Chapter 2

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Backstory Sky's POV

It was my first day at Riddle High School. I was just a perfectly normal 13 year old girl. My life was perfect. As soon as I got there, I went to my locker to get my books. There was a lot of popular girls there. They had designer clothes on, makeup, and expensive jewelry. What i was wearing was a green T-shirt, skinny jeans, and high tops. That was my own style. The school is not that big. It only has 150 students.
I didn't have any friends there. I was always sitting alone in the classroom. No one helped me with my work when I needed it. I always sit alone at lunch. I had nobody to talk to. I always sit on a metal bench outside by the doors of the gym. When I was eating my lunch, I noticed a group of girls walked up to me.
"What do you want?" I asked them politely.
"I'm just wondering, why are you here in the first place?" Shiloh said (the leader of the group).
"This is my first time here. I just came from the elementary school. I'm in 7th grade," I replied.
"Well, I don't think you belong here," Shiloh said.
"How come?" I asked.
"You are not like us girls. We have a specific style which is girly and fashionable. You dress like you don't fit in with the others," Shiloh said.
"I can wear whatever I want to wear," I said.
"I guess you're never going to fit in with us," Shiloh said.
"Please just leave me alone!" I said angrily.
"Come on girls. Let's leave this low life loser alone," Shiloh said as she started walking in the other direction.
I ignored what she said to me and continued eating my lunch. When the bell rang, I threw my leftovers away. I went to get my backpack from my locker. Then I started walking to 5th period which was Science. As soon as I got to the classroom, I saw Shiloh and the rest of the group. I was so scared and I started freaking out. I decided to hide myself in my hoodie. I started walking to the back of the classroom to where I usually sit, hoping she won't notice me.
Today in Science, was Study Hall. Thank God! I need to catch up on my missing work. I need to at least get a C because right now, I have a D-. The teacher wasn't there. I guess he was runninglate. I zipped open my backpack to get a pencil to write with, and suddenly Shiloh appears right in front of me.
"What are you doing here?" Shiloh questioned me.
"The office chooses my classes, not me."
"You don't belong here!" Shiloh said angrily.
"You already told me that at lunch," I said.
I just wanted to remind you that you're not important," Shiloh said.
"Oh sorry what was that? I was just ignoring you trying to do my work," I said sarcastically.
Shiloh grabbed me by the neck and pushed me up against the wall. The whole classroom gasped. Shiloh told me angerily,"You don't belong here! You don't fit in with anybody in this school! Nobody here thinks you're important! You will always be a low life loser who will always be alone! Just go kill yourself!! That would make me very happy!"
"Please just leave me alone!" I said worriedly.
She shoved me back in my seat as soon as I told her to leave me alone. I got up quickly out of my seat and ran to the girl's bathroom. I was crying so hard!
I sat down on the bathroom floor with my head between my knees. I was crying so badly. I started screaming at the ceiling,"Am I even important to anybody?! Should I kill myself like Shiloh told me to do?!" I continued crying my eyes out. I looked to my right and I found a razor blade. I guess some girl left it there when she was shaving her legs and forgot about it. I got up and grabbed the razor and started washing it with soap and warm water. I sat back down on the floor with the razor in my hand. I took the razor blade off of the razor handle. I put the razor blade to my right wrist. I started making cuts in my wrist. I made deep cuts because of all the pain I'm going through. I started seeing alot of blood coming out of my wrist. So I got up and rinsed the blood off in the sink. My wrist started stinging a little bit. It hurt but I was in pain, so I had to do it. I started screaming again," Do I even deserve to live?!"
I quietly snuck out of the bathroom and ran home.
I quickly grabbed out of the kitchen whatever my mom bought. I quickly grabbed the jar of Nutella that was nearby. I started eating out of the jar. It made me feel like I was comforted. I felt happy for once. I started eating even more of it. When I ran out, I felt depressed. So I used the same razor blade to cut more deep cuts into my wrist. It hurt even more than before.
My mom came home from work. She asked me where I was at and I said I was in the bathroom. She quickly came to the bathroom and she saw what I was doing to my wrist.
"Sky! What are you doing?!" my mom said worriedly.
"Doing what I have to do," I replied.
I'm taking you to the doctor Sky!" my mom said.
"Ok but that won't make me feel better," I said.

2 Hours Later
"What seems to be the problem?" Dr. Cowell asked.
"My daughter Sky is cutting her wrists!" my mom said worriedly.
"She's probably starting to become bipolar," Dr. Cowell said. "I'm prescribing her to some medication that will help with the bipolar depression."
"Ok, thanks Doctor. Cowell!" my mom said.
"No problem at all!" he replied.
On our way home from the doctor's office, I asked my mom if she can get me some Nutella to make me happy. She asked why. I told her it would keep me from cutting my wrists and I'll feel comforted. She stopped by the store to get me a the biggest jar of Nutella there. It was 32oz of Nutella. I bought some bracelets too so I can hide the cuts I made in my wrist. Once we got to the car, I started eating the Nutella.
That's how my condition I have right now started and I wish none of it happened but it did. I guess that's just life.

Things I Love: Nutella and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now